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The weekend was amazing. They had to wait so long, begging their parents to go. But after so long they agreed to go to the concert. Saving up as much money as possible the girls were excited to go. Divina's mother did Come along but that dint matter for anyone.

They sang the songs together, even tho liz dint knew any of the songs she still sang with her best friends having the best night of their live. After the concert they slept at divina's house till Sunday, and had the best sleepover ever. Watching movies and giggle all night.

It was now monday which means back to school. And the exams were just around the corner for the students. With a big smile Enid walked to the library. She got a bright pink shirt with her favorite band on it. She wasn't the best in dressing, but since she loved this shirt and it was super comfortable she dint care.

She expected to see the shorter girl when she arrived. And she did. In the same place she always sit. Opening the door her Black eyes immediately turned to the door raising her eyebrows. As if she was waiting for someone. The Black eyes stayed on her for a second when she turned her gaze back to her book. If she was waiting for someone it wasn't her of course. But she felt stupid that she was disappointed in that.

During 3 months she managed to get more conversations with the goth. But always end up fighting, and spended 3 days not talking to one other when they met in the library again. The conversations never were anything personal mostly just about homework and studies. But Enid dint care about that, she got the uppertunity to hear the girls voice again.

She found out, trough comments what wednesday made that her favorite food was, pizza and her favorite movie was, murder mystery. She felt weird and a bit stupid that even after a few weeks she still knows her favorite things. But it felt...good?

During those moments together she also knew what face expression wednesday made. When they were studying they dint talk. The tip of her tongue would hang out while concentrating. Or smiled when she got something right. Or played with her pencil when she got bored.

"Idiot" she kept repeating to herself. She felt like an idiot. A stalker.

She looked at her for a while, this time without a expression. Then she fronwend to herself: irritated with that girl. Why did she make her feel this way? She hated spoiled girls like her. But that wasn't the case now. Because for some reason...the shorter girl dint go out of her mind.

Strangely wednesday lifted her face. Their eyes met for a moment. Enid (tried to) remain calm. Trying to find another spot to look at so it dint seem like she was staring at her. Luckily for Enid it worked. Out the corner of her eye she saw the back haired still looking.

Enid couldn't help it, her heart raced. And the fact that addams was looking at her dint make the situation any better. Enid turned her gaze to the addams girl, raising her eyebrow so it looked like she was surprised she looked at Enid. Wednesdays eyes widen slowly. Deep inside Enid was proud that she catches the girl staring and as fast as she could wednesday turned her face to the book again, her bangs falling in her eyes.

For a moment Enid felt a great emotion coming over her body. The hours she spended in the library trying to end that emotion. But nothing works. Reading, her favorite movies, drinking, splashing water in her face. Nothing made that feeling go away.
She sighed defeated.

The next Day was Tuesday. With difficult Enid got out of bed, looking for clothes that maybe matched. She was late so gripped toast and her bike and as fast as she could went to school.

She dint have time to do her hair so it was just down. Running she saw her 2 friends by their lockers.

-" thx for breakfast Blondie" liz said taking the piece of toast out of her mounth and took a bite.

-" hey!" Enid exclaimed laughing at liz.

-"guess what!" Divina said with much excitement.

-"im bad at guessing so just say it skinny" enid joked. Laughing with the other 2.

-"no that's unfair! I had to guess so do you!" Liz exclaimed finish the last piece of the toast.


-"dammit..well uh you got a new book?"

She shook her head.

-"are we going to eat pizza?"

-"nope but we can" enid nodded.

-"liz pays"

-"hey this is just hate towards me!" The 3 girls burst out into laughter again. When that was over Enid maybe knew it.

-"are we going to the primaire of the new film?!" Enid asked excitedly. She and divina have been talking about it the past few days and now they are going there!

Divina nodded and told them she had already brought tickets. Enid brought them in a groups hug.

The rest of the classes go by peaceful. At least till you meet that group of girls.

Yoko passed and bumped into divina's shoulder, which makes her fall into the lockers on her right side. Enid saw this and balled her fists.

-"oops sorry" she said in a false and teasing tone, Looking divina in her eyes.

Enid wanted to say something but had to hold back her friend, liz wanted to throw  herself at yoko and punch her till her nose bleed. Holding her back by her arms.

-"leave me e! Im gonna kill her!!" Liz shouted trying to get out of enids grip, but the laughing of yoko dint made it easier.

-"sure baby i want to see that!" She mocked, bianca laughing next to her.

(Not a ship name)

For a moment Enid wanted to let liz go and kill those girls. But she dint want to make things worse then it was already. But it made Enid angry that they were making fun of her friends.

Stepping forward to yoko she said: "i should give you-" she dint finish because divina interrupted her.

-"l-leave it e..there..there not w-worth it." Eyes scared begging Enid to not do anything what Will make everything worse.

The blonde turned her eyes to the bruntte Who hurted her friend. Glaring at her. Turning her gaze to all Kids Who were standing there. Yoko gave divina a smirk. Funny how scared she looked.

-"d-dont..dont push me aigan". She softly said, hearing the girls behind her laugh.

Divina was one of her best friends, she dint want to leave her alone. She picks the girls hand and interlocks their fingers in a protective way. Divina smiled at her friend knowing their protective of her. Yoko eyes Burned, she laughed at the two girls.

-"like i am going to listen to you"

-"yes you are!" For a moment yokos eyes landed on the blondes glaring. And returning to the brown ones. "Please" divina asked quitly. For a moment she tough yoko was gonna do something so squeezed her hand.

-"this is ridiculous! Just dont get in out way!" A voice spoke. Everyone turned to the voice. It was wednesday with the biggest glare she has ever seen.

She turned around and walked away, the girls following her. Yoko had no choice and also followed the shorter girl. But she dint go before looking at divina one more time.

For the first time liz let out a breath and a nervous laugh.

-"div that was amazing!" Enid said seeing divina planted a soft smile on her face.

-"did...did you see her face? Divina said proud to her friends. Liz put an arm around her neck.

-"don't worry next time enid Will get them..or me." The three of them laughed but one thing they agreed too.

Those girls are impossible...


Sorry for not posting for a few days!!

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