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-do you swear?
Liz asked her for the fith time, walking to xaviers car to go school.

Yesterday after wednesday came to visit, enid could go to school again. She wasnt stupid, they just wanted her to spend more time with the brunette.

Her mother, already told her she was happy with the girl. That made her blush, and be nervous the entire dinner since they kept talking about how great she was, and that she had a good choice. She had a good tasted. And righr now she told them about the visit and the Kiss.

-im not kidding, she wad at my house yesterday.
She said smiling. She wore a losen shirt, for her cast.

-and you kissed?
Divina asked also smiling, she was happy for her friend.

-she was the one Who asked me for a Kiss.
She said proudly. Almost laughing at liz her face.

-this is not normal.
She said, eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. -now you gonna tell me that the two most diva girls, are also the most cheesy?
She said talking about wednesday and yoko.

-what love does
Abby softly hummed with a smile. Leaning back in her seat.

-wait, as for yoko...wednesday dint tell me anything yet. Maybe shes playing.
She said thinking too much about. Actully becomimg a bit sad. But someting told her that wasnt the case.

-dont think that nid.
Liz began. It doesnt seen that...

-but you know how she is! She must be going trought a phase.
She said upset.

Divina sighed. -i dont think its a phase.
She sajd, trying to tell her friend why she shouldt be so upset.

-and how do you know?

-you have fun rigt?
Abby asked, looking at them as if they were idiots. -its obviou whats happing to wednesday.

-well explain cuz i dont know.
Enid asked, liz nodding along.

-that shes actully more in love then you sinclair, inst it obvios?!
She said, making the blonde open her eyes in surpirse.

-why do you say that? Who?
She asked with a broken voice.

Divina and abby hit their head, at her friends slowness.

-Enid my friend...are you and idiot?!
She said trying not to slap her friend right there and then.

-shes in love with you idiot! She dies for you. She likes you.
Abby sajd letting out a sight, as divina nodded.

Enid blinked, feeling butterflies all over her stomach. Was it true? She hoped so.

She asked stammering.

-uh yeah! I releazid it recently, but its very clear that shes as crazy about you as at her.
Divina said happy for her friend. Laughing at her surpirsed face.

-its not a joke?!
Liz asked, not sure if that was true since she dint paid attention. Trying not to take her eyes off the road.


-when did you realize?
The blonde asked.

-two years ago. At the cinema.
She respond quickly and simple. Amiling at the face wednesday made. She was totally jealous.

The three jumped surpirsed.

-two years?!

-so long!?

-its basicly since we met?!
Enid respond, and remeber how she tought she hated her.

-okay yeah, that day i suspected it, but since last year i knew it.
She said.

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