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Its been 2 weeks since enid met ami. But she still smiled every time she remeberd the little addams. But her fear dint go away, and made sure to look from afar to the cheerleader, like she did right now. As they were sitting in the stands, watching abby train. (Actully watching wednesday, and divina pretened not to look at yoko)

"You two are hopeless" liz sighed taking a sip from her soda, enid frowend and divina rolled her eyes.

"We help you find a boyfriend maxwell" divina comment making enid laugh.

"Ugh i already feel like the loniest, and your not even dating yet" she said pickibg her notebook since their actully doing homework (not)

"I say enid should marry the mini brunette" divina comment making the blonde smile. She had tolf them about the little addams.

"It would be so much easier" she mumerd watching how the girls spun in the air. Being trown and landed on the ground, they were very good at it.

Enid could see the girl, when they were resting, no danger. But was surpirsed when she saw abby walking up to wednesday, as they began to tak. It wasnt friendly, but they also dint bother each other. What were they talking about?. Soon wednesday sajd something to abby wich made her frown, that turend into a smile and walked away like that, leaving a angry blushing wednesday. Enid softly laughed, wednesday looked adorbale mad. Now the girl coulent eat cookies without thinking of her and the little addams.

"Hey div yut girl cant stop looking at you" liz said, as divjna tunred to look that way.

It was True, the tall woman was drinking water, in her uniform, while her eyes never left divina. She looked in a difffrent way. But she couldnt tell what. Duv bluhsed and lowered her head to her book again.

"I dont think so" she said. While her other friends raised an eyesbrow.

"Yoko looked at litlte silly...have you talked to her lately?" Enid asked winking, causing her best friend to hide her in her text book.

"Well...yesterday she and i...talked on the Phone." She said with a shy smile. "We talked a lot"

"Thats good div" liz said while the girl let out a sad sigh.

"But..she acts so diffrent at school then trough the phone" she said after some time.


"Lately she only botherd us two and looks at you like a fool" her friend said. As div only bluhsed more. "And now shes eating you with her eyes Come one"

"Im not sure of anything" she sighed, even tho shes more happy.

"How lucky" enid said sadly leaning her ellbows on her legs suporting her head. Her friends looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Awh ens..dont he like that! Wednesday also-" but she dint finish when liz singed her to not talk anymore. Its better to find out herslelf...find out from the cheer herself. "She also could have feelings for you"

"I guess......never" she said putting her haie back in place when the wind blows it trought it. As they also decided to cut the converstation off.

After a while, the three watched as the cheers got ready to make their famous piramide. Yoko lifted the girls, while abby suport the ones. And the girl on top. That was wednesday, she was leaning on her legs trying to keep balance, but it seemed difficult. Enid slighty stood up worried about her.

"Is that gonna be okay?" She asked not taking her eyes off the brunette for a second, making sure her movements were okay.

"I think..we should get closer" div said worried, staring at yoko, as the girl was trying so hard to support them.

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