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Guys one thing. I know i dont have to say this per se. Butttttt i stillwill beofre people are goibg to comment aby it .

Wednesday Will not be like the series. But i think you already notcided. But so ya know.


Thr Day has been queit so far, no one bothered her, and this was good for the blonde. Until they arrived at the cafetria for lunch. She carried her backpack to one of the tables, talking to divina trying to distract from yoko.

"We Will look for food, you Will stay here" liz told them winking at divina, as she left with abby.

"Well did you know, from abby, kent kisses with tongue?" She asked as they sat on one of the tables. Divina looked at her rasing an eyebrow.

"I know what youre trying to do e" she said, putting her hands on the table and let out a big sigh. Enid opedn her eyes.

"Oh yea? Cuz in serious"

"Dont worry, i dint see her yet, and when she comes i still ignore her" she said lowering her head. Enid made her raise it as she gently took her chin.

"We both know thats a big lie" she said seeing divina roll her eyes "shes an idiot.

"Yes...an idiot" divina repeated smiling.

During these months, divina had talked to her about yoko, as she took her to "therapy" to say that she was an idiot when she felt depressed about the girl.

They talked for a while, when she heard tylers voice in her ear.

"hello weirdo" he greeted her wrapping his arms tightly around her neck. As enid coughed several times. "Wouldnt you like to eat with us?"

"N-no...let me go" she sajd trying to get his arms off of her. But hé held her tightly.

"Leave her alone!" Divina told him stading up wanting to slap him.

"Come on sinclair were waiting for you" he said stading up, dragging enid with him. Enjd needed to breath but the way hé held her tightly, she couldnt.

"Hey!" Divina yelled walking after them.

"Here we are" Tyler said as she sat her down in a seat next to rowan. Still his arms around her neck.

"Enid! What a surprise" rowan said, smiling, seeing the purple face of the blonde.

Enid could barely breath and tried to free herself from tylers arms.

She noticed wednesday sat in front of her, watching her with open eyes

"Tyler leave her alone" she said looking angrily at her boyfriend, as he laughed.

"My dear, dont you see enid is a guest of mine? Im not doing anything to him"

Enid dint think the same, as she flet dizzy, she closed her eyes snd hoped ome kf her friends would Come soon.

"Let her go she cant breath!" Wednesday shouted at him, and tyler let go of her annoyed.

"Cough cough" the girl was trying to get her air back. Gripping her throath. Looking grateful at wednesday.

The brunette wanted to Come over, and rub her back, but she dint do it because everyone was there. Wednesday fighted the urge to touch her, help her, hig her till her felt better. Still looking at het blue eyes.

"Div" enid whispered, but she couldnt see her friend.

She managed to see her, walking trought the door to the hallway with yoko. She became worried and tried to leave, but rowan grabbed her hand and made her sit down again.

"Were you going beautiful?" Hé asked her holding her hand. While enid was still coughing.

Wednesday fixed murderd eyes om rowan, as he let go of enids hand, as he felt cold rilling trought her body, and she swore it was from wednesdays eyes.

"Were you going witg your girlfriend?" Tyler asked smirking seeing enids poor face.

Ahe began to deny, looking into wednesdays eyes. Wanting her to believe they werent girlfriends. And when she did the brunette smiled. Tyler noticsed and talked to her.

"Love you know i love you?" She told her, giving her a wink. As enid made a face, she wanted to leave.

Wednesday dint look at him, smiled and nodded.

"I love you too" she sajd straight looking at enids eyes. Enid felt her skin tingle her heart in her troath.

Was she saying that to her? Acter saying that, wednesday opened her eyes and blused like crazy. "I....uh....i...yea...love......you...to" she mummerd wjth a red face. Tyler looked confused at his grilfriend, seeing the two girls looking at each other.

"Well weirdo...thsy told me your in love" Tyler told the girl a little annoyed, making everyone at the table "uuuuhhh"

Enid dint stop looking at her for a second.

"Well...you dont care..." shs said with a blushing face. She tried to leave again but Tyler sat her down on the seat again.

"Well tell us! Is it divina?" Hé said laighing, observing his girlfriends face, enid could see jt, the eyes of her love were filled with pain.

"No and even if it was True i wouldnt yell you" she growled and looked at wednesdays face, the brunette was looking back at her, not paying attention to anyone else.

Tyler felt threathed by the stupid look at his girlfriends made looking at the blonde. Hé dint like the way they looked at each other.

"Dont you have friends? Just gst out" he told her and went to sit on his girlfriends side, and sat down next to her. Putting an arm around wednesday.

"But...you" she began looking confused at Tyler, but her bkue eyes tunred cold when she saw the arm around wednesday.

Tyler smiled, but it dint last long when wednesday shifted uncomfortable, trying to get away from her boyfriend, breaking the hug, tyler looked at her surpirsed but then with anger at enid.

"Get your discusting face out of my sight before i break it" he shouted, as enid opened her eyes trying to get up.

"Tyler!" Wednesday told him, as she turned back to were enid sat, but she was already gone, as she let out a sigh.

She quickly run ou of there, to retunr to her table. Wgat was worng with thta idiot? Was he in his days or something? How can wednesday like him? But she was still a lkttle happy that she saw the girl. Best of all she dint bother herm (rather helped her)

Maybe this Will be a great year)


Since this one is a shorter, i Will post a hours again. :)

Happy New year! Already since i dunno hope you had a great year since i kinda did. But doesnt matter.

Anyways have a nice 2024.

Im gonna fucking scream cuz we have to wait another year for wednesday season 2 😭 like dknt do this to ussss.

I really want to see the season,they better dont show enjax or else im dead.

Anyways bye bye

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