𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 | apologies

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I stand in the kitchen, taking some pain killer for my period cramps. Gosh they're strong today. I go to the medical cabinet that the Air BnB supplies, grabbing the heat pack that's filled with wheat with a little fluffy cover. Cute. I pop it in the microwave to heat up, wanting to take it on the car ride to pick Michal up.

While I wait for the last two minutes of the microwave, my alarm goes off from the couch. I set it for 1:20pm to let me know I need to leave. I head towards my phone, turning the blaring alarm off as well as the TV. I quickly look for my crossbody bag with the car keys in it, finding it hung over the kitchen bar stool. The microwave beeps, informing me the heat pack is now in fact, heated. I grab it by the corner from the glass tray, it being a bit too hot to handle. Like Michal. I start heading to the front door, locking it behind me and popping the key back in my bag. Heading down to the basement level, I get a text.

Magic Mich-al 🏒

Hey sweetheart, hope you haven't forgotten me - but we're running 10mins behind. Asked coach to refill my bottle so I could let u know. Thanks for picking me up btw 😘

Cute, I love it when he calls me those little pet names, he loves it as well. I wonder why they're running behind, I hope it wasn't because of Connor not returning since he actually left the arena during lunch. But, that's okay, I'll just wait outside the doors anyway. I'll be fine with my heat pack in the warm car.

Hi Moosey, how could I ever forget you... you're texting me all the time. No problem tho, I'm heading there now anyway so I'll be waiting at the door for you, my King 👑 (I'm never saying that again🤢)

I hit send as I'm walking up to the car, starting it and driving out of the basement car park. I focus really hard on what side of the road I need to be on here, because driving on the left just feels natural to me. The whole car is back to front too, the steering wheel being on the left side not the right like ours. My Dad used to have a vintage Corvette that came from America, so I got to witness being in the right side as a passenger, but never drove it. I put my maps on Michal's car, since I did it on the way home too... not knowing which of the many turns to take. A quick 3 minutes later, I'm pulling into the authorised entry carpark again, tapping Michal's keycard to get in. Parking the car in the pick-up zone just beside and back a bit from the underground entry that we just came out of earlier.

My heat pack has now cooled down to where it's okay to touch, I place it under my hoodie and press it to lay against my lower stomach, instantly relieving me of my cramps. It's now 1:28pm, I have about 15 minutes till he'll be packed up and walking out. I turn the engine off and disconnect my phone from the Apple CarPlay, opening up TikTok to pass time. That reminds me, I need to call Cece tonight and fill her in. She'll be so happy for me and how good it's turning out as she was feeling a bit skeptical.

5 minutes go by, and I see the doors opening outwards, meaning someone's exiting. I lift my head, curious to see who it is in case it's Michal. A blonde haired boy walks into my eyesight, Connor. He makes direct eye contact with me, stopping on the spot. My eyes watch him closely, unsure of what to do. Why isn't he moving?... Instead, he turns direction, heading straight towards me. My eyes slightly widen, not wanting to show too much fear, but I can't help it. Knowing how bad he's been treating everyone, including me. His face isn't angry, nor happy. Just nonchalant. He stops at my window, knocking on it with the back of his curled index finger. A small smile now playing on his lips. I put my phone between my legs.

I turn the accessory power on in the car to wind the window down. I trust he wouldn't risk his career to do anything stupid right now, so I put it down all the way. I cross my arms, never breaking eye contact from each other, I look between each eye studying his expression, he's unreadable, which usually is rare for me. His face softens, eyes still having a serious look about them. "Yes, Connor?" I greet him, showing that I know his name if he wants to try anything stupid. I raise my eyebrows, waiting desperately to hear what he wants. "Hey, um... sorry to approach you like this, but I've been meaning to find you around again... I just wanted to apologise for my choice of words in there earlier, I wasn't in the right headspace. I was playing pretty shit this morning so I was overly frustrated and just let it out on you, being Mrázik's new partner, which isn't right at all..." He confesses, admitting that it was wrong and I deserve an apology. He put his head down, moving his feet to kick little rocks away like a kid in trouble. His hands in his pants pockets with his hockey bag over his shoulder. "I'm truly sorry. I'm glad I caught you just now so it didn't wait any longer. I hope I didn't offend you too much."

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