𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞, 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗴 𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵

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THE MAN ON THE PORCH HAD A NORMAL HEAD, which was a relief. His face was weathered and brown from years in the sun. He had a slick black hair and a black pencil moustache like villains have in old movies. He smiled at the group, but the smile wasn't friendly; more amused, like Oh boy, more people to torture!

He had three bodies. His neck connected to the middle chest like normal, but he had two more chests, one to either side, connected at the shoulders, with a few inches between. His left arm grew out of his left chest, and the same on the right, so he had two arms, but four armpits, if that makes any sense.

The chests all connected into one enormous torso, with two regular but very beefy legs, and he wore the most oversized pair of Levis they'd ever seen. His chests each wore a different color Western shirt—green, yellow, red, like a stoplight.

Lilith knew instantly who he was. She took a step back in alarm.

The cowherd Eurytion nudged Percy. "Say Hello to Mr. Geryon."

"Hi," Percy said. "Nice chests—uh, ranch! Nice ranch you have."

Before the three-bodied man could respond, Nico di Angelo came out of the glass doors onto the porch. "Geryon, I won't wait for—"

He froze when he saw them. Then he drew his sword. The blade was short, sharp, and dark as midnight, Lilith recognized it immediately. Stygian Iron.

Where most children of Hades were given weapons made out of Stygian Iron, Lilith's was a little bit different. Yes, It was made with Stygian Iron, but it was blessed by Apollo as well as a little tinkering with Hecate's magic. Therefore, the white color.

Geryon snarled when he saw it. "Put that away, Mr. di Angelo. I ain't gonna have my guests killing each other."

"But that's—" His eyes then stopped at Lilith, who was looking at him with teary eyes. "Lilith." He breathed out.

Nico immediately ran to the girl, straight into her arms. "Oh, Nico." She sniffled, "I missed you so much."


They pulled away after a moment, and Lilith was caressing his face. He looked older, tired-- and he looked like death. "You're my sister." Nico said, staring up at the girl.

"I am." She nodded, offering him a small smile. Before they could say anything else, someone cleared their throat.

"Percy Jackson," Geryon supplied. "Annabeth Chase. And a couple of their monster friends." He then turned his gaze at Lilith. "Lilith Jade."

"Monster friends?" Grover said indignantly.

"That man is wearing three shirts," Tyson said, like he was just realizing this.

"They let my sister die!" Nico's voice trembled with rage. "They're here to kill me!"

Lilith held the boy in her arms, trying to calm him down. "Shh, Nico.. It's okay... They won't kill you." The boy simply held onto the girl tighter.

"Nico, we're not here to kill you." Percy raised his hands. "What happened to Bianca was—"

"Don't speak her name! You're not worthy to even talk about her!"

"Wait a minute," Annabeth pointed at Geryon. "How do you know our names?"

The three-bodied man winked. "I make it my business to keep informed, darlin'. Everybody pops into the ranch from time to time. Everyone needs something from ole Geryon. Now, Mr. di Angelo, put that ugly sword away before I have Eurytion take it form you."

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