𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞, 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀

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AS LILITH ARRIVED BACK IN KING'S CROSS for Christmas break, she quickly said her goodbyes to both Theo and Cedric before rushing off to find her parents. They were standing patiently, waiting for her. Once Lilith caught sight of them, a huge smile spread across her face as she rushed towards them. "Papa! Mama!"

"Hi, my darling. Oh, how I've missed you!" Persephone smiled, pulling her into a hug and fussing over her. "Did you enjoy your first term, darling?"

"I did!" Lilith nodded happily, she then turned towards her father and jumped on him, "Papa! I've missed you so much!"

Hades grinned happily and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I've missed you as well, sweetheart."

He gently put her down and Lilith held each their hand as they traveled back to the Underworld. As soon as they arrived in the Palace, Lilith rushed to the dining table. She missed her mother's cooking.

As they ate lunch, they were talking about her school year.

"What eventful thing happened this year, sweetheart?" Hades questioned,

"Well.." Lilith started, swallowing her food beforehand. "An apparent serial killer broke out of prison, and he's apparently after Harry."

"Serial killer?!"

"Apparently?" They both said at the same time, shooting each other unimpressed looks.

"Yeah, Harry's dad had a best friend. Apparently, he betrayed them and killed thirteen people." Lilith nodded, then she continued munching on her food. 

Lilith recalled the time Hecate had mentioned something about the Marauders, but she couldn't remember the details. All she remembered was that they were amazing wizards.

"What do you mean apparently?"

"Personally, I think he was framed. The last body was one of his best friends too, but it was never found. All there's left is a finger and his robes, completely intact. Oh, not to mention the guy can turn into a animal! Coincidence? I think not." Lilith explained.

"What's this last body's name?" Hades asked.

"Peter Pettigrew."

Hades nodded thoughtfully, "Either he's not dead, or he's still in the DOA. I doubt it. It's been working smoothly since I last threatened to cut off Charon's pay for the next century. It does seem a bit sketchy to me." 

"Right?" Lilith nodded in agreement, "I'm going to head to the library to find Evan and Regulus after lunch! Reg's his little brother." Lilith told them.

Hades rolled his eyes at the mention of the two boys. Lilith had begged him to allow them to live in the palace, and he agreed reluctantly (partly because they were boys, and partly because Lilith wasn't always in the Underworld)

During the three months of school, Lilith had went to camp a total of four times to help train the kids, bring them Celestial bronze, provide them nectar and ambrosia, and started casting enchantments and protection spells.

She's visited the Underworld a total of nine times, mostly because she missed her parents, but also she loved talking to both Regulus and Evan.

Regulus was the quiet, reserved one. He was intelligent, he knew how to hold a conversation, and he was a really interesting person and knows everything he talks about. Whereas Evan, he was the loud one of the two, the funny one. He cracks (dirty) jokes that would make Lilith turn beet red (earning a glare and a slap to the back of his head from Regulus who wanted to keep Lilith's innocent ears out of his crude jokes), and he was (sometimes) smart as well.

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