𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗱𝘀

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LILITH HAD BROUGHT MRS. O'LEARY to her island. She conjured a few hellhounds to keep her company, a few caretakers as well as a few workers to keep the place running. She then ventured to the outside world with one thing on her mind; food.

She skipped happily as she made her way to the closest McDonald's. But on the way there, she saw a sight she frowned on. A boy, about a Percy's age, was fighting a monster.

A demigod? Lilith thought to herself, but she's never seen the boy around camp before. Then her eyes trailed to the weapon on his hand. What was that made of? Wait.

Imperial Gold?

Lilith has seen Imperial Gold in the underworld previously, but none of the kids in camp had one. Or even Imperial Gold in general. She then stared a few more seconds before she noticed the boy was struggling against a monster she was familiar with. Manticores.

It's face was human, but it has a lion's body and a long, scorpion-like tail that can shoot spikes. The manticore also has two different colored eyes, one being brown and the other blue. These eyes remain as two separate colors whether the manticore is in human or monster form.

Lilith then glanced back at the McDonald's and frowned at her grumbling stomach.

"Food can wait, I guess." She grumbled, before sprinting off to help the boy.

She pulled out her sword and boosted herself against one of the bench on the side, jumping right on top of the manticore and plunging her sword deep on its back. He shrieked and tried to wiggle her out of his back. The boy seemed stunned for a brief moment before he regained his focus.

Lilith glanced back and noticed the tail aiming to stab her, and she jumped back on the ground. She pressed on the two charms on her bracelet and it transformed into two daggers. Lilith then shouted, "Get its tail! I'll blind him!"

The boy nodded quickly and sprint towards its back. Lilith glanced around and grimaced. She ran towards the manticore and smiled up at him. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. Good-bye now."

Before he could react, Lilith used both her daggers to stab his eyes. She then boosted herself on top of his head, and pulled out her sword from his back, whereas the boy had slashed its tail off. Again, Lilith made her way carefully onto the wiggling manticore's neck and stabbed it, right through.

She quickly noticed that the people were staring at them in horror, soon enough she used mist control to make sure no one had remembered what happened and to ignore them completely.

As the manticore blew up into dust, her daggers fell to the ground. She turned her sword back to her ring and grabbed the daggers, turning it back to her charms.

She then glanced aside to see the boy panting on the ground, while also staring up at her in astonishment. She walked towards him and held out her hand. He took it and stood up.

"Who are you?"

"Lilith Jade, it's nice to meet you." She smiled sweetly at him.

He merely gaped at the 180 attitude the girl had after killing a manticore. He was silent for a few moments until he realized she still had her hand out for him to shake. "Oh, um." He cleared his throat, shaking her hand, "Jason Grace."

"Do you want to grab some food?" Lilith asked the boy. Jason flushed lightly and shoved his hands to his pocket, "I think I lost my wallet."

"Don't worry about it." Lilith said sweetly, "It's my treat. Come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards McDonalds.

They quickly ordered and got their food, choosing to sit nearby a window, farther to any other human presence.

"So, you're a demigod too?" Lilith questioned after swallowing her burger.

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