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season seven, episode nine

alison hadn't expected her life to be like this now, all she did was work, and then go to mark's apartment to sleep since she still couldn't sleep in her home because everything reminded her of her ex-girlfriend

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alison hadn't expected her life to be like this now, all she did was work, and then go to mark's apartment to sleep since she still couldn't sleep in her home because everything reminded her of her ex-girlfriend.

"all right," the attendings and alison stood near to their patients, "try not to screw up with our patients," alison said to the residents as callie kissed her girlfriend who was working the night shift, "good night,"

the surgeons went towards the bar across the street from seattle grace, with alison opening the bar door, "there's the man of the hour," mark said when seeing his best friend, "congratulations,"

alison smiled when seeing derek, "congratulations," she said when hugging the neurosurgeon who smiled hugging his friend, "thank you so much," he thanked them, "first round is on me—" miranda starts to say when seeing cristina yang standing behind the bar, "um, guys—"

they all saw the residents standing behind the bar with alison leading them to where the ex-resident stood behind the bar as she poured a beer into a cup, "why are you behind the bar?" derek then questioned his wife's person, "i—owen told me to get a job, so i'm working,"

"what's everyone drinking?"

she then put out the cup holsters as alison looked at her friends who all looked back to cristina, "um—" alison cleared her throat, "i'll have tequila," she said to her friend.


the attendings and alison sat at a table with owen joining them, "she sat on the sofa for three days straight watching infomercials and eating cereal out of the box, so yeah, i told her to get a job," the trauma surgeon stated.

"but you didn't specify what kind of job?"

owen nods his head at what callie said, "i thought she'd go to a lab or the morgue, i didn't expect this," the married man suspected as adam ran a hand through his brunette hair, "tell her you change your mind, tell her she can be a housewife for all you care," the younger hunt male stated to his brother.

the group chuckled, "i think that the only thing she'd be worse at then bartending is housewife-ing," alison told her friends, "what's so bad about bartending? i used to bartend," the younger hunt stated, "at least she's not dancing on a pole," mark then said.

"i give this one night,"

alison didn't say anything as she just looked at her ex roommate who poured drinks for the group, "and this cristina yang of beverly hills? she does not enjoy serving people,"

cristina then came to them, "all right," she placed the tray of drinks down, "i call this the early onset alzheimer's," she told them, "because you won't remember anything after you drink it," she clarified, "mm,"

she then held up her glass, "to shepherd and his genius brain crap," she said as the group all held up their drinks, "to shepherd!" they all cheered, before downing down the drink, "oh, my god, this is strong," callie said after she downed the shot.

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