" normal"

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I was thinking and I couldn't decide what is normal for a person so I Googled " definition of a normal person" and it said " has no serious physical or mental health problems" so I thought about why that is considered normal and why if someone is to have serious mental or physical problems why it's not normal because a person can't control if they have a mental or physical problem. Then I got to thinking again who is to decide what IS normal and what ISNT and to me the definition gave me is incorrect I'm not totally sure yet what I consider normal but I know that I don't agree with goggles definition because its not the person's fault. So I started trying to think of what I would consider normal and the only thing I could think is something that's common because if it's common it's considered normal to me but I might be wrong so I'm not totally sure if even that's what's " normal" but when I said common is what I consider if my definition is correct then someone with NO serious mental or physical health problems would be considered UNORMAL because most people have mental and physical health problems so I might be wrong but in my opinion Google is wrong and everyone might have there own definition of  " normal"

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