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"This is a lot more boring than I thought it would be." Said Dream as he pulled a chair out so he could sit next to George, who was simply scrolling on his phone. George immediately turned his phone off and smiled as he looked up at Dream.

"I didn't expect to not know so many people. I only know you and Sapnap, the rest I've briefly spoken to once or twice." Dream didn't really want to be there anymore, but he couldn't leave as it was being hosted at his own house.

"Are you bored?" Dream asked, receiving a nod from George, who stood up and walked over to the dirty blonde. Dream looked up at him, a very slight sparkle appeared in his eyes from the lights.

"Do you wanna dance?" George said, holding his hands out in front of Dream, who looked confused. George rolled his eyes and let out a light hearted scoff. "Do you want to dance?" He repeated a lot slower in a slightly sarcastic way as Dream didn't answer.

"Dance?" The dirty blonde repeated the brunettes words as if he didn't understand.

"Yeah, like together." Dream placed his hands on top of George's and walked into the center of the room, still confused as this wasn't something George would ever request to do.

"Are you drunk or something?" He laughed as George put his arms around his neck. Despite feeling confused and slightly awkward as he thought it was a prank, he put his hands on his waist.

"No, what makes you think that?" George began to sway side to side to the song that was playing. Dream swayed side to side with him, his thumb beginning to rub small circles around his hips.

"Under any normal circumstances you wouldn't be dancing with me, what's the occasion?" He knew there wasn't anything to worry about because this started to seem like George just doing George things.

"I just wanna dance and stay close with you." They had made eye contact thousands of times before, it was normal for them, but this eye contact they were currently making was unreal. Dream had never seen such a soft sparkly look in his eyes before and it only made it harder to look away.

"Close with me?" He repeated his words once again, a scoff being returned. George broke the eye contact by rolling his eyes, but he immediately brought his gaze back to Dream's eyes.

"Yeah, is there a problem with that?" He smiled swaying side to side as he brought one hand up the back of his neck and into his hair that was sticking out the cat beanie.

"No, but how close do you wanna be exactly? " The taller questioned. George tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth before looking around.

"Closer." Dream complied and took a step closer so their chests were pressed together. Despite the lack of room between them, they still managed to sway side to side to the music still.

"This close enough?" Dream asked, but George just shook his head and pulled Dream's head in slightly so their noses were barely touching.

"Closer." George breathed, at this point their thighs were touching and it sent butterflies through both their bodies. Dream kept their bodies their close by holding George there by the hips.

"Any closer and I'd just have to kiss you." He laughed, trying to make it seem like a joke but it was really just him trying to hint if that's what George wanted.

"What if that's my plan?" He smirked, glancing down at his lips. "What if my plan is to get so close to you, there's no other choice but to kiss me?" Dream ironically couldn't tell if this was a dream or not.

"Well, it's working." He said, pulling George in by the waist as George leaned his head in closer one more final time as they both closed their eyes.

It was almost in an instant that their lips were connected. They were kissing like no one else was in the room with their hands recklessly dragging across each other's jawlines and waists. Dream kept his hands on George's waist whereas George had his hands practically all over him, one hand drifting from his chest to his jawline, whilst the other played with his hair while also pushing him deeper into the kiss.

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