Chapter 1

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Kie's POV:

 I was hanging with Sarah at the wreck  when she mentioned a party happening tomorrow night, " I don't know, maybe if it were another night but I'm not feeling it"  The truth is, I just don't know anyone besides Sarah. Every party we go to is the same every time and I always end up leaving early. "  come on Kie, John B and his friends are going. You know how long I've waited to talk to him" " fine. Yeah, I'll go but don't expect much" "as long as you're there"  Sarah says running off. What did I get myself into.

 It was the  Day of the party, I just threw on some white shorts a green top and some Converse and jewelry.  I left my hair down for tonight  knowing I was just gonna go to sleep once I came home.  I checked my phone after I got a message from Sarah saying she's waiting outside.

|im outside let's go|


Well here we go.

 We got to the party and there were lots of kooks and Pogues  Buy the drinks,  specifically three pouges.  One brunette, one a little dark toned, and another one with blue eyes.  Of course we already knew who they were, the unbreakable trio.  As soon as Sarah spotted my gaze towards them she ran as fast as she could, grabbing my arm. We met up with the three boys introducing  ourselves, "hey john b,  this is my friend Kiara Carrera" "what's up" "hey kiara I'm John B this is pope and that's JJ"  I already knew who they were of course I did,  they were the well-known pouges  on the island.  John B works for Sarah's dad, popes family helps with the town and then there's JJ,  he's mostly known for his major sex cred. I didn't want to get off to a bad start so I just played nice, " hey nice to meet you" "I don't know about nice but"  I heard a male voice state.  I looked over to the voice and to my not so surprised face  it was JJ, "I'm sorry?  What was that I couldn't quite hear you?"  I obviously knew what he said but I wasn't gonna give him that satisfaction, " oh nothing princess,  just saying I need a drink"  he said with a smirk on his face. Seriously .  I scoffed as he walked away, "what's wrong with him" "don't mind JJ, he isn't used to new people, lots of trust issues. He'll warm up to you eventually don't worry"  pope says.  From that statement I knew I was gonna see a lot more of them and now I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, "hey Sarah wanna dance?"  john be says breaking the silence, "uh yea let's do it, kie I'll be back"  she hands me her drink and makes her way to the dance floor.  It was just me and Pope left and he was talking to me about his girlfriend cleo.  She seems really cool and I'm really looking forward to meeting her but the rest of the night was really awkward.

  It was the day after the party and John B had invited me and Sarah to his house for some drinks. I was hesitant to go because I wasn't as close with anyone, but as always I agreed because of how  much Sarah likes him.  We made our way to the  chateau and when we arrived we were greeted by a curly haired girl with the name Cleo.   From the moment I saw her I knew she was popes girlfriend it was obvious from the way he described her.  Sarah was in the kitchen with JB and I was on the couch with Cleo and pope talking when I saw a blond sitting outside the porch.  I decided to go check on him since I have been clinging onto cleo an pope all day.  Figure they'd want some time alone.  I walked out and sat next to the blonde, "JJ right?" "Yea and" " listen, I know it's hard to expand your friend group but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be around a lot so I figured we might as well get to know each other"  I slightly chuckled to lighten the mood. He took a long hit of his j and looked at me, " listen I'm only gonna say this once,  I already made an exception for one kook and I'm not about to let another take advantage of my friends alright?  You can hang with us all you want but that doesn't make us friends got it?" He sounded irritated, like he wanted to  decapitate me on the spot. "Hey I'm not trying to take advantage of anyone! I genuinely like your friends and If you got a problem with it tell me right now so I won't have to go through hell while being here!" I yelled, I fucked up, yelling at a guy I barely know at a house that belongs to his best friend wasn't the best idea. "Listen princess your on pouge territory right now so this kook attitude isn't going to work alright, you either get with the program or get the hell out of here" I stood there looking at his bright blue eyes looking like they were turning red. His gaze went from me to people behind me, I turned around spotting everyone watching us, "hey this was fun but looks like I'm unwanted here so ima head out, I'll see you later Sarah" I turned around a Walking towards my car and bump JJ's shoulder on my way out. What a dick.

Y'all I don't know what I wrote but lemme know what you think and what you'd want to see next chapter.

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now