Chapter 7

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Kie's POV: 

I was waking up and noticed a blond messy haired boy with bright blue eyes staring at me, "keep staring and I'll start to think you actually like me" "yea well what if I do" my heart skipped a beat. I knew he was joking but, I part of me wished it was real. "How come they let you stay?" "Told them I was your boyfriend, apparently they trust anyone" boyfriend I know he said that because he offered to still pretend but... could he have meant it for real? JJ helped me out the hospital and we went to the chateau to meet the others. "KIE YOUR OUT!" Sarah ran over hugging me soon after Cleo and pope came up to me doing the same, I wasn't paying attention to what they were asking me though something caught my attention. JJ and John B were having a deep conversation and kept glancing over at me, weird.


While kie was being greeted by the others, JB pulled me aside, "dude were have you been? I mean we were leaving the hospital and suddenly you disappeared?!? Now your with kiara the second she's released from the hospital? What's going on between you two?" Truth is I don't know what's been going on, I looked over at kiara then back at John B, "listen, she was scared I stayed the night with her alright?" "What? How they only let relatives stay the night" "yea about that, I told them I was her boyfriend" "what?! I though you guys were done with the whole fake relationship thing?" "Yea well Incase Rafe comes she wants to have protection" "so I'm guessing this means you don't hate her anymore right?" I looked at kiara, smiling,sweet, curly haired kiara. I took a deep breath before turning back at John B, "no, I guess not" 

Kie's POV:

We were all planning on having a movie night but needed snacks, so me and JJ volunteered to go grab some from the store. We were searching through the isle when JJ went to the drink section and I stayed at the snack section. I was looking at what I should get when I felt a body hovering over me, "hey kie, what happened at the hospital?" Rafe he was smirking , he had me cornered that's for sure, "get out of my way Rafe I'm warning you" "really and what exactly are you going to do" "Rafe I'm giving you two options you either move out my way or else-" "or else what? Your gonna cry to your boyfriend" before I could speak JJ interrupted "and so what if she is?"  Rafe turned back to look at JJ,  erode responding he chuckled, "oh wow, so it is true. You really are going out with a Piece of shit. You know kie I thought you were lying to me when you said you had a boyfriend, I figured you were testing me but now" "Rafe shut the hell up" JJ butted in, "what's the matter JJ? You mad cuz you didn't get to fuck her? Or mad cause her first time was with me?" JJ was about to attack him but I grabbed him before he could, "let's go, he's not worth it" we payed and left as fast as we could.

We were walking back in silence until jj broke it, "sorry, I know I was supposed to protect you but-" "jj, it's fine. Neither of us knew he would be there" "Yea but" I grabbed his hand and looked at him straight in the eyes, "it's not your fault alright" we kept walking with our hands intertwined but soon let go when we reached the chateau. We didn't tell the others what happened because I just wanted to have a nice night with my friends. We were watching titanic and me, JJ, Cleo, and pope were on the couch while Sarah and John  B were on the bed they made on the floor. I felt a cold breeze to and I guess JJ noticed because he got up and wrapped a blanket around us. He grabbed my legs and put them on his lap so I could lay down on his shoulder. I would say something but I felt really safe with him. I felt my eyes get heavy and later fell asleep.

Sarah's POV:

We were in the middle of the movie and Cleo had gone to sleep resting her head on popes lap which was just so adorable. I checked to see kiara and I saw something that genuinely surprised me. "John B look" I pointed to a cuddly jj and kiara on the couch.

(What it looks like but they're asleep)

"I knew it I fucking knew it" John b laughed "they're adorable" I looked back them continued watching the movie

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"I knew it I fucking knew it" John b laughed "they're adorable" I looked back them continued watching the movie.

I have an idea for chapter 9 that I can't wait for you guys to see!!!

Hint : rain

I have to come up with something for chapter 8 thoughhhhhh lmk what u wanna see<33

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now