Chapter 5

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Kie's POV: 

Sarah Cleo And I we're out shopping for dresses for Rafes party tonight. We stopped to get coffee first and headed into chick couture. I kept looking through racks of dresses but I couldn't find anything, I was watching Cleo and Sarah try on dresses but something caught my eye. I spotted a beautiful red dress that was just calling my name, before I even told the girls about it I grabbed it and tried it on. I got out the dressing room to show Sarah and Cleo, "kie.... it's perfect" "yea I bet with that dress you'll definitely get rafes attention" Cleo's statement reminded me why I was buying a dress in the first place. I completely forgot about Rafe, my thoughts were to impress JJ. Damn it. I ended up buying the dress while Sarah bought a black one and Cleo bought a really pretty sage green dress.

Kie's dress:

Sarah's dress :

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Sarah's dress :

Sarah's dress :

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Cleo's dress :

We were out shopping for a bit then got ready at the chateau since all our dates were there

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We were out shopping for a bit then got ready at the chateau since all our dates were there. I put on some light makeup and curled my hair  just so I stand out a little. Sarah and Cleo were already getting dressed but I had trouble zipping mine up. "Hey sar, can you help me in here?!" I was waiting until I heard the door open, "Sarah went out to grab a purse, what do you need help with" I turned around to the male voice, JJ.


She turned around and.....woah. I couldn't look away, I hate to admit it but she looked absolutely gorgeous.

Kie's POV:

He kept staring, I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. He then cleared his throat before speaking again, "so what do you need help with" "uh...can you help zip up my dress?" "Oh uh yea no problem" I turned back around and moved my hair out the way so he can grab the zipper. It took a minute before he actually started zipping it up. I felt his warm breath on my neck sending chills down my neck, his cold rings touching my back caused me to gasp a little but something about his touch gave me butterflies in my stomach, "done..." I heard a whisper I turned my head slowly to look at him. His bright blue eyes were like the ocean each time I surf a wave. We were inches apart, neither of us leaning in or pulling away. We stood staring at each other like we wanted to make this moment last a lifetime. It was so quiet i could here his breathing, I caught his gaze move from my eyes to my lips he started leaning in and I did too but before anything could happen we heard a door open. "Guys let's go!" "Shall we?" JJ lend out his hand for me to grab and we were on our way. Once we got there's I pulled him to a side, "remember we have to seem like we're in a genuine relationship so Rafe could see us and get jealous" "don't worry princess I know what I'm doing" he grabbed my sister and walked me to the house. 

 I was talking to Sarah and JB since JJ went to grab a beer and pope and Cleo were dancing. I heard a name call out to me and I thought it was JJ but when I turned around it was Rafe, "yo kie! Come hang with us for a while" "uh, I'll be back guys" I walked over to Rafe, topper, Kielce, and some girls they were with. Rafe had put an arm around me while he was talking to his friends. It was a really fun conversation but I couldn't stop noticing how he kept flirting with other girls, I felt an arm grab me, "hey Rafe you do t mind if I ask my girlfriend for a dance would you?" I knew what he was doing and thank god he isn't completely stupid. Rafe took a quick look at me then JJ, "girlfriend? Yea yea go ahead" me and JJ were dancing for a bit and I told him to go with the others while I go "talk" with Rafe 

"Here kie take a sip of this" Rafe handed me some type of drink, I was a little self conscious about it but fuck it. We were dancing when Rafe started getting all touchy, he was kissing my neck but I didn't stop him. He pulled away and crashed his lips onto mine, I expected it to be a soft and gentle kiss but it was rough like he was hungry and hasn't ate for days. He kept deepening the kiss and sticking his tongue down my throat. I was trying to stop him because this make out session is too aggressive but I felt weak and couldn't. I felt his hand go way to low, I drew the line when I felt a squeeze on my ass. "Rafe... Rafe stop" "come on let's go to the bedroom" he kept pulling my arm but I tried really hard to stay were everyone was, "no Rafe I don't want too" I was too weak though. I was searching the house for JJ, Sarah, anyone who could help me but my vision was going blurry. I was still  conscious so I knew what was happening but I was so weak that no one could hear me tell Rafe no. Eventually we were in the bedroom and Rafe  had pushed me on the bed. He was taking off my clothes bit I tried really hard to stop him, I never had sex and I wasn't planning to do it for the first time half drunk and drugged. I was yelling at him to stop pressuring me into taking y clothes off but it was no use. He took his shirt and shorts off and started kissing my neck. I was crying for help but no one could hear me. "RAFE STOP! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" "That filthy  piece of shit can't please you like I can" he whispered into my ear. I was yelling and yelling but he covered my mouth with one hand while grabbing my breast with the other. Befre he could even get inside  me a door went flying open and I saw Rafe getting punched straight across the face. I just curled up on the side of the bed trying to stay awake but it was difficult with the drugs in my system from the drink he'd given me. I was still naked and crying like a dumbass. I covered myself with a blanket so no one could see me.

JJ's POV: 

I was watching kie and Rafe dance up all on each other when they disappeared. I was following them but got distracted when a girl was up all on me. I lost sight of the two and ran upstairs looking for them, damn it kook mansion. I was opening every door in sight but there was no sign of them. I almost gave up when I heard a cry for help. I ran to the room and saw Rafe forcing himself on kiara, no second guessing I grabbed Rafe and punched him. What the hell was he doing? Trying to force kie to have sex with him? "WHAT THE HELL RAFE, DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN " I kept punching him until I was pulled back my John B. "Kie omg are you okay" I heard Sarah and Cleo helping kiara, while John B and pope were keeping people away. "Kie you alright?" "Thanks to you" she said in a very low tone before going unconscious. Holy shit, "Sarah get John B to start the Twinkie, pope call the ambulance, Cleo cal, her parents" I gave Cleo kie's phone while I picked her up in the blanket asking sure she's covered. I took her to the Twinkie and didn't take my eyes off her for a second, "John b drive!"

Y'all what do we think??

Rafes an asshole

No hate to drew starkey tho<3

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now