Chapter 4

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JJ's POV: 

"Sorry I bit your lip" I forgot how much hatred I had for her, like she was a force I couldn't pull away from. Rafe looked pissed which I guess was our goal, but deep down I didn't want that to be our goal. Rafe's a dick, he doesn't deserve kiaras attention. We pulled away and headed towards the others. I grabbed the cup John b handed me and took a sip, "looks like you too are starting to get along real well" "really JB, we told you why, don't push it" kie  replied to John B's comment . She took a sip of her drink and listened to Sarah talk about some mew shop. For a second I caught her eyes locking on mine. After what seemed like a lifetime she looked away, "hey guys I think ima head out, can't have my parents catch me too tipsy" I didn't want her to go. What no JJ you hate her, let her go, let her risk getting into trouble. Damn it. "I'll go with you I'm heading out anyways" I felt the eyes of our friends on me but I didn't mind I just came up with a quick save before they read too much into it, "it'll also help convince this "relationship" is real, you coming?" "Uh yea, bye guys" we were off. 

We arrived to her house and I was about to leave when she started talking, "That was a nice save, the whole "helps convince this relationship is real" thing?" "What do you mean? Isn't that what boyfriends do? Or do you want me to get Rafe to walk you home next time " she laughed before stopping in her tracks, "and here I thought you were genuinely catching feelings for me" I turned back at her walking at a slow speed, "me? Catch feelings for you? Please I'd rather let the kooks be all high and mighty for all eternity" "why? I mean I get why your helping me out, you know win win on both sides. What I don't understand is why you make comments like that. Why do you hate me so much? I'm probably going crazy but I know damn well that kiss wasn't pretend" she was right, I started feeling a certain way I've never felt but I couldn't explain why I hate her. I have this feeling in my stomach when she's around but I have another in my heart that just despises her. What for? I don't even know why I hate her, maybe it's the fact that I've always liked her but knew I never had a chance. She's  Rick chick in figure eight, I'm a filthy piece of shit from the cut. She likes  Rafe, the only reason for that kiss was to make him jealous, "I'm your pretend boyfriend kiara, I can't explain why I argue with you all the time but I'm here to complete my part of the agreement. You and Rafe are gonna end up together and I'm going to get my job and any girl I want. Yea, the kiss wasn't totally pretend but there's a part of me that needs Time to like you as a friend. I still hate you, but now there's something telling me to give you a chance. Good night kiara" before I could turn around and leave I felt a pair of hands grab my face and a pair of soft warm lips pressing onto mine. I took a moment to process what was happening but I didn't reject it, I moved in sync with her mouth as I felt the kiss deepening. Before anything else could happen I pulled away left out a small whisper, "night kie" and I left.

Kie's POV: 

I didn't mean to. I swear I was listening to him rant about how he hates me and like me or how I like Rafe. Something inside me just went for it. He left and I sat at my steps thinking. I really really like Rafe and I still want to be with him but now I'm seeing a side to JJ I've never seen. I decided to push away anything I have  for JJ and  Focus on my main goal, get Rafe. JJ is only helping me make him jealous and when I get what I want I'm done it's him and he's done with me. I can't let whatever I'm feeling get in the way of that, surely that kiss didn't help though.

It was Thursday afternoon and I was at the chateau with the pouges and we were watching a movie when I felt my phone buzz.

Rafe Cameron 

| hey kie I know I was a dick at the bonfire but I was wondering if you'd Wanna hang out |

| can't sorry, I'm hanging with Sarah and the pouges |

| pouges? Does that mean your with JJ? |

|uh yea why is that a problem?| 

| no it just I saw you guys making out yesterday and I thought you hated him |

|plus I thought we were hanging out and for you to make out with some dirty pouge is kinda shitty |

"What the fuck" I realized I spoke out and the pouges were staring at me, "you good?" "Yea what's wrong" I didn't respond I just gave JJ a quick glance and sat outside.

| What? Seriously? You left ME to go hook up with some blond chick remember? And don't call him that he's better than you'll ever be! And for your information I might hate him but that doesn't give you the right to talk shit |

| okay listen I'm sorry I went out of line and I deserve that, I just thought we had something special. We don't have to hang but I'll see you tomorrow at my party. |


I was so pissed I threw my phone. I felt a person hovering above me and I did t even have to turn to see who it was. He stepped off the porch and picked up my phone reading the messages, "sorry, I know he's fucked up" "yea he might be but if you still like him we can hit up his party together to make him lose his shit" he looked down at me with a smirk handing me my cell phone. I don't know why I still want to make Rafe jealous he's a dick and doesn't deserve me clinging onto him but I'm just so mad I want to piss him off. "Thanks jayge, I'm starting to think you're really warming up to me" "yea don't get use to it" he smiled and sat next to me. We didn't talk about the kiss but I'm Kidman happy about it. We just kept passing a j between us. Enjoying each other's presence.

Y'all I need ideas of what should happen in the next chapter!!!


Lemme know which songs you'd want to hear<33

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now