Chapter 10

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JJ's POV: 

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a beer to take out to the HSM Pouge. I grabbed one for me, jb, pope, Cleo, Sarah, And kie since we all needed to relax. I made my way up being greeted by a lovely brunette, "Hey, did you bring the goods" shouted John b. Kie was talking with Sarah and Cleo so John b and pope were waiting for me to return. "Alright shit bird don't get too excited" I said throwing a beer to him while passing another to pope. We were walking over to the girls when we heard a female voice yell from land, "KIARA GET DOWN THIS INSTANT YOUNG LADY" kie's mom yelled. I looked back at kie who was as shocked as me when I open the fridge to no beers. Kiara looked at me before responding, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND ME" "LIKE I WOULDNT KNOW WHERE MY OWN DAUGHTER IS! NOW GET DOWN YOU HABE TO PACK BEFRE YOU MISS YOUR FLIGHT" "IM NOT GOING AND YOU CANT MAKE ME" "KIARA IF YOUR NOT COMIMG DOWN IM GOING UP" she yells before trying to climb on, "jay" I heard her yell out. I looked at kie and signaled pope to get the hell out of here. We were trying to leave the house we stumbled upon but kiaras mom kept trying to climb aboard. Obviously we didn't want to hurt her but she was trying to send kie off to some lame ass school with people who don't understand her. "MOM I DOMT WANT TO HURT YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE ME ALONE" "NO! I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE WITH THESE POUGES WHO ARE JUST RUINING YOUR LIFE!" "NO YOUR RUINING MY LIFE BY SENDING ME OFF SOMEWHERE FAR AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE I LOVE" out of nowhere the boat was speeding up leaving kie's mom swimming in the lake. "Oh shit" jb let out. "Pope what the hell happened" "that was my bad, sorry kie" "it's fine pope let's just get the hell out of here" and we went back to the chateau. 

We were seated around the bonfire behind the chateau. Sarah and JB were on one side while pope and Cleo were on the other. Kie and I sat with them for a while before we sat ourselves on the  hammock. We were smoking j's and listening to each other talk. "Sorry for the inconvenience with my mom" she let out softly, "nah it's alright. I know it must have been hard leaving her there" "Yea but, I don't know, a part of me wishes she I could've left her in a much deeper part of the lake" "why's that" I asked taking the j out of her hand causing me to lay right beside her. "She's a bitch. I mean so is my dad mom always hated me. At least I think she did" "why would you say that" I asked with a confused look in my face. How could anyone hate her, let alone her own mother, "well.... when I was 14 she would always make comments about my body... you know... how I need to eat less. I never listened until one day we were eating dinner and I asked for seconds. My dad wasn't paying attention because he was busy taking a phone call. My mom had given me a look before telling me, "that it come with me" she took me upstairs and.... she shoved her fingers in my throat causing me to throw up whatever I ate that day. She constantly did it after that. I never told anyone about it cause I started to believe everything she said" "kie.." I let out as a whisper. "It's fine. Really. I haven't done it at least. Well not since a couple months ago. I'm happy I left" she said looking up at me. It felt like shit knowing what she went through. She's perfect how could her mom do that. I leaned in closing the gap between us. I didn't want to do anything that can make this go too far. I just wanted her to feel safe. Secure. I gently synced the kiss and placed my hand on her waist leaving her to cup my face with her hands. I pulled apart from her , "goodnight princess" "night blondie" and we layed to rest.

Kie's POV:

I woke up to the sound of birds. Jj and I had slept on the hammock outside last night. I'm guessing Sarah threw a blanket on us considering we didn't budge at all last night. I got off the hammock trying not to wake jj. I walked in to find the rest of the pouges making breakfast, "morning" I let out, "hey" "morning" I received from everyone. I sat down next to Cleo and we started making conversation. "So how'd you sleep?" "Actually... really good" I said looking back at the sleeping blond. "Really cause that hammock looks so uncomfortable, especially with two people in it" Sarah  budged  In. "Yea well it was, it felt really nice." "I bet" Cleo laughed. 

We were talking when I felt a pair of hands around my waist and a kiss on my cheek. "What you eating" "here try it, John b and Cleo made them" "woah woah woah, Cleo and shit bird? Cooking together? And the chateau didn't burn down" "no you dick head" John b said while throwing a spoon at him. I just laughed it off. It's sweet that we're all like a family. I haven't been here long but, it's like I grew up here. 

We were having a movie night and Sarah had chosen the new hunger games movie. We were watching in peace when the guys had stepped out for a moment. Weird. When we were about to get the the most interesting part something was thrown at us. Water. We were soaked in water from some water balloons JB, JJ, and Pope threw. Holy shit. This. Means. War. "now your gonna get it" Cleo laughed as she took the sink hose and sprayed it towards them. Sarah started filling up buckets of ice and water while I made more water balloons. "WOAH WOAH WOAH, THATS CHEATING" John b yelled out. We all laughed as Sarah threw the buckets of ice at pope and jj. "Come In we won't do anything" I said innocently. John b was coming in but the second he layed a foot inside we ambushed him with water balloons. He managed to pull Sarah out leaving us to save her. Cleo and I grabbed some gear and made our way outside. Like some dumbasses. JJ hand turned on the sprinklers and cause a MAJOR water fight. "JJ" "ALL IN FUN BABY" he said throwing water balloons. "POPE IM GONNA KILL YOU" Cleo let's out, "JOHN B GET BACK HERE" sa ah yells. I was admiring the couples yelling at each other that I didn't notice a pair of hands slithering their way on my waist licking me up, "IM SORRY I GIVE UO YOU WIN" I yelled knowing exactly who it was. I turned around spotting those bright blue eyes, "hey blondie" I chuckle "I win, where's my prize?" He says holding my waist. I pull my hands to his face giving him a long lasting kiss, deepening it as we were being soaked by the sprinklers. I never want this moment to last. Nothing and no one can tear us apart.

For now.......




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