Chapter 9

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Kie's POV:

"GO TO YOUR ROOM I DINT EVEN WHAT TO LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW" my father yelled. I ran straight to my rook not wanting to deal with his fury right now. I locked my door hoping to shut out the anger in my father, that is until I hear a knock on my window, "psst, let me in" jj whispered, "what are you doing here?" I asked trying to push open the window, "well first not trying to freeze to death, second, I wanted to see how you were doing" "well my dad isn't too happy but from the looks of it I'll be out of here by next week" I said laying on my bed as he joined me. We sat in silence just staring at each other until he broke the silence, "you know....we never got to discuss what happens..between us" "well, after everything I practically screamed my kings out join the rain, getting drenched, I would say you owe me a very big question right about now" I chuckled why playing with my bracelets. He looked up at me and took a deep breath before letting out, "kiara Carrera, will you take the risk of being sent away to some boarding school and be my girlfriend" he says holding back a chuckle, "risk accepted" I lightly laughed why leaning in as he does the same. We closed the gap between us and started laying in the bed until I heard my name being called out, "shit, wait here I'll be back" "copy that captain" I ran downstairs to find my parents waiting for me. My mother had a very displeased face on while my father looked pissed. "Kiara, Tell me your father is hallucinating, TELL ME YOU WERE NOT KISSING THA FILTHY POUGE" I looked at my father then at my mother, "yes, I was and he's not filthy y-" "THATS IT KIARA FIRST THING TOMORROW YOUR ON YOUR WAY TO BOARDING SCHOOL" "SERIOUSLY? FOR KISSING A GUY I LIKE? YOUR UNBELIEVABLE" I ran up stairs finding my bedroom and spotted jj layingnin the bed growing and catching a bouncy ball. "It's official, they're sending me off first thing tomorrow" "what? No! We just got together I'm not ready for it to end" jj said standing " I know jay,I, I just don't know what to do" I said throwing myself onto him. We were laying down and I was just wrapped into his arms , "kie?" "Yea?" "What If you just, ran away?" "What" "you could stay at the chateau with the pouges and me" I took a moment to think. I didn't want to leave my house but I was going to do that anyways. The only difference was if I was leaving home with jj I would be surrounded by people I care about and make me happy , if I left home by the force of my parents I would be surrounded by kooks who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. "Let's go" we packed some of my things and started climbing down the window, "heads up" I threw jj my bags while I made my way down, I took a final look at my room, "well, I guess this is goodbye" I got down and made my way to jj and his motorcycle. "Safety first princess" he says putting a helmet on me. My bags were tied onto the motorcycle but before it even turned on we heard yells coming from the house, "KIARA GET IFF THAT MOTORCYCLE" "KIARA GET BACK HERE" "YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE WITH HIM" my parents where yelling from inside the house, "you sure you wanna go?" Jj asks, I look back at my parents and back at him. I got to get the hell out of here. "Let's roll" he started the motorcycle and my parents were running towards us yelling "jay go" and we were off. 

We arrived at the chateau and Sarah came running towards me, "hey you okay? Jj told us" "Yea fine, my parents cant find me here" John b comes out and helps jj unload my things. "So you and jj areee?" "Officially official" I smiled looking back at him. Sarah let out a squeal while rushing me inside, "omg omg omg how when where" I told her about everything and let's just say, she was mind blown. "NO WAYYYYY! That's soooooo romantic!!! You guys are honestly adorable!" She basically yelled in my ear. 

Jjs pov:

"Well that's basically what happened" I told JB as he was grabbing some beers. "So you and kie are dating, kie's parents are hunting her down, and now your some sweet loving boyfriend" he laughed as he threw a beer at me, "pretty much" "that's actually crazy, but hey congrats" "thanks man" "we all knew you liked her" "what how?" "Seriously dude ? You hated on her for no reason! Knowing you jj , you can't talk about your emotions so you put them into anger" "Yea well love makes you do some crazy things" I laughed while drinking the beer. 

It was morning and kie was in my arms dpfrom the events last night. "Morning princess" "morning" she said in a morning voice. We stayed in bed for a while longer not wanting to end the moment. This was nice. 

Heyyy so the next chapter is the last chapter but there will be a sequel so stay tuned!!!

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now