Chapter 6

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Kie's POV:

I felt cold. Like I was in a freezer that someone trapped me in.

I couldn't open my eyes but I remember everything 


I was trying to scream for help but Rafe had his hand over my mouth. I was already naked and had no control over what was happening. I kept feeling his hand slide up my thigh, teasing he was going in. He kept sucking on my neck. I didn't bother yelling anymore, I just sat in my own puddle of tears while I let it happen. I figured it was better to not fight back considering the lengths he could go to. "Trust me kie, you won't have regrets" he whispered, "when I'm done with you you won't want to have sex with a dirty pouge" he whispered in my ear but this time I felt a hand go way to far Down(I'm not gonna say bc I don't feel comfortable writing it but yk) causing me to scream. I guess it was loud enough because a familiar blond came rushing in beating the crap out of Rafe. I couldn't hear much what he was saying but I heard Sarah Crying near me and Cleo asking questions. I was still very weak from the drugs Rafe out in my drink but I managed to hear one voice, "it's gonna be alright kie, trust me" and that's when I blacked out.

End of flashback 

Opens my eyes groaning. I saw a blond but it wasn't the one I was expecting. "OMG OMG GUYS GET IN HERE SHES AWAKE" Sarah yelled, "kie are you alright? I'm so sorry this happened" Sarah was crying out, I knew she felt bad cause it was her brother who did it but I don't blame her. It's my fault I was playing a risky game, "hey, no it's okay Sar, I know none of us were expecting this" "you alright kie?" JB asked me, I didn't for sure know how to answer that, I felt like shit. I took a quick glance around the room and managed to let out a soft , "yea....fine" "do you need anything? I mean how did it happen if you don't mind me asking" pope let out. I didn't know if they were comfortable listening to it, let alone Sarah hearing how her brother wanted to fuck her best friend without consent. I managed the courage to finally speak out about it, "well um, we were dancing, he offered me a drink that was apparently filled with was going alright until things were getting heated and he wanted to take me upstairs, I was arguing with him saying I wasn't comfortable with it but he didn't listen, I was weak from the drugs and couldn't fight back. He started undressing both of us and kept telling me to shut up or that I wouldn't have sex with a pouge after I did it with him" I looked down not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, "pouge? Oh ....cause he thought you and JJ were...oh" pope quietly commented. "That son of a bitch" Cleo whispered. 

The pouges stayed for an hour but had to get going. I was a little scared to get  discharged from the hospital, Rafe could be out waiting for me at anytime. Before the pouges left JJ stayed behind wanting to talk, "what's up" "um, when Rafe took you, what exactly happened?" What? Why was he asking? I mean he hates me and yea I guess even he could feel bad for me but why? Does he care for me? Like I do for him? Wait no no no kiara you don't care for him. "Well um....when I was dancing with him he and really touchy and wanted to take me upstairs. I told him I wanted to stay with everyone else but he wouldn't take no as an answer. He pulled me inside and was searching for an empty room, I kept yelling for help but none listened. I was trying to find you. When I realized you weren't near it was too late, he...he..." "he what kiara? What did he do?" "He started to undress us both, he um he kept yelling at me, I was yelling him to stop I swear! He covered my mouth and started going and going and go-" "what the fuck! I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" He cares. He actually cares. I thought I was imagining it but this outrage, it's all the proof I need. "JJ! Stop! I'm already scared as it is alright! Don't you think I hate him too?! Im mortified that once I leave this hospital tomorrow morning he's gonna be outside those doors waiting for me!" I started crying, I don't know why but I didn't want him o see me like this. I figured he'd start teasing me but I just felt a body hovering over me, "alright....move it" he was laying on the hospital bed with me. I didn't ask but he did. He put an arm around me while the other was playing with my hair. "If your really scared of him, i could still play your boyfriend to keep you safe" "really? I thought you hated me" " yea well, I warmed up to you I guess" I let out a soft chuckle, "thank you" and I fell asleep.

JJ's POV: 

I felt kie fall asleep on my chest. I just kept playing with her hair admiring how beautiful she looked. I guess over time I really started to grow real feelings for her, but I wasn't gonna do anything about it. The fake boyfriend thing seems to work in my favors pretty well, I get to be close with kiara and protect her at the same time. I was about to doze off when a nurse came in, "um sir I'm going to need your name and relationship with the patient if your planning on staying the night" I took a quick glance to the curly haired girl sleeping and looked back at the nurse, "JJ Maybank, boyfriend"

Y'all thanksgiving break is over :(

I'm still gonna try to update every day but let me know your thoughts <3

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now