Chapter 2

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Kie's POV:

 After the argument happened at the chateau I went to the beach to cool off. I was smoking for a while looking into the ocean when I heard footsteps behind me, "hey kie you alright?" I turn around to see Rafe Cameron, Sarah's older brother. I was never close to him but we spoke from time to time, "oh uh hey rafe, I'm good just thinking" "about?" He isn't going away that's for sure. He sat next to me waiting for my response, "life. How fucked up it is" "what's that supposed to mean" "just, the complications between our land you know? Kooks vs pouges, why can't we all just be friends?" I sighed, I knew rafe hated the pouges, damn he'd probably murder them if he could. I've always liked rafe, he had some issues for sure but something always attracted me to him. He looked at me before responding, "I don't know how to tell you this but, pouges are never gonna like us alright? Just like we're never gonna like them. How about you come to a pool party I'm throwing next Friday ? Invite my sister, your friends, just don't bring a date" he chuckles before getting up. Did he just ask me out? No, no of course not...right?

It's Wednesday and I had to go to school, there were two different schools, one for kooks and another for pouges, but since the kook academy burned down a couple months ago we all had to share a school. I haven't talked to anyone since the fight with JJ so I was a little scared going back. I made my way to the car and headed towards a coffee shop before class. I was walking up the steps heading to my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "hey I haven't heard from you in a while" it's Sarah and Cleo. I was surprised both  of them came up to me. I grabbed my books and turned to look at them, "yea sorry about that I wasn't sure I'd you'd want to hear from me" "seriously girl? We barely met and I've been dying to hang with you" Cleo mentioned in a happy tone. She's really cool and I'm actually glad she wants to hang out, "really? After last week I was sure you guys would never want to see me again" "listen I know the Argument between you and JJ was intense but we all miss having you around even if it was only a day" before I could respond, we were interrupted by the three boys walking up to us. John B put an arm around Sarah and pope an arm around d Cleo's waist. Damn. They called me single in ten different ways. My gaze went from sSarah and JB to JJ who only looked at me for about three seconds before turning his attention towards pope. He was talking about some test in history, "as much fun as that sound popey, I say we go to the bonfire at the beach tonight" "yea we haven't hung out together in a while that sound fun" before anyone could respond JJ interrupts with a comment that made me want to slap the fuck out of him, "what are you talking about we were all together yesterday? Unless you mean with Kiara, In that case I'd rather hang out with a bunch of stuck up kooks....oh wait" I took a deep breath before responding, " as much as I'd like to keep this conversation going, I have to meet with rafe you know a stuck up kook with no remorse for anyone but himself. Don't worry JJ I'll see you at the bonfire don't miss me too much" I slammed my locker and walked away.

Sarah's POV: 

I was confused why kie was meeting with my brother but I didn't question it considering it could cause a big argument and she was already dealing with an argument so I don't want to add more to it. Kiara walked off leaving JJ speechless, "seriously JJ? You just had to pick a fight didn't you? Why do you hate her so much anyways?" "She's a kook who only cares about herself and thinks she can do what she wants just because she has money. I don't need to explain myself even more." I looked at John B and the couple beside me with a grin on my face before looking back at JJ commenting, "you know I'd you keep this up I'm going to start assuming you just have a crush on her" with that everyone was looking at JJ trying not to laugh. He took a moment before speaking up again, "like I'd ever like her, matter of fact if you ever see me falling for her or even looking at her like that slap  unconscious will you?" And he walked off. 

It was the night of the bonfire and I wore a pink tank top with some blue shorts and converse. I called kie to see what she's wearing and let's just say it's definitely gonna make her stand out.

Kie's POV:

I wanted to make an impression on rafe so he'd have the guts on asking me out so I wore a short  denim blue skirt  and a bright red top. I knew JJ was gonna Be there too so I wanted to make sure he knows who he's Messing with.

I went over my intentions with Sarah so she'll approve before I do anything with her brother. Luckily she was cool with it. Sarah gave me a ride with Cleo to the bonfire and we met up with their boyfriends. I was surprised to not see JJ with them. We were hanging for a while and I decided to look for rafe. I found him talking to some guys but managed to pull him to a side. We were having a conversation and danced a little. While we were dancing we started to get really touchy and ended up making out on the dance floor. While doing so I managed to hear a sentence come out his mouth, "so, this is fun and I like you a lot but, I gotta meet with this blond chick I promised to hook up with"  my heart dropped what the hell? While my mind was circling he was already gone.

What are your thoughts?

JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now