Chapter 8

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Kie's POV:

I woke up finding myself  entangled  With the blond figure. I smiled up at him until there was a voice breaking the silence, "so, you and JJ?" "Shut up you might wake him" i said while throwing a pillow to Sarah. I walked out the room dragging her arm somewhere private , "okay so maybe theres something going on but I'm not sure yet alright? He hasn't said anything" "kie, cmon, we both know I have a good eye when somethings going on between two people. He obviously has feelings for you!!!" "Eh, I don't know, let's just go surfing and see what happens" we both laughed and made our way back to the living room.

We were at the beach when I spotted a baby turtle stuck in plastic. The others were out catching waves but I took a moment to myself to think. I was helping the turtle when I heard footsteps on the sand, "poor little guy, here let me help" JJ kneeled down beside me taking the turtle and untangling it from the plastic. Damn it. Now he's saving turtles? Can he be anymore perfect? He put the turtle down and helped me up. "Wanna walk?" "Sure" we were walking and there was a comfortable silence that came over us. We sat down near a tree and looked at the water. We'd been at the beach all day the sun started to set, "it's beautiful isn't it?" I asked not looking away from the sky, "yea well, it's not the only beautiful view  here" he says looking at me, shit, I got butterflies in my stomach. He's just so.....JJ. We stared at each other for a while, then, we started leaning in, closer, and closer, and closer until we were  centimeters  Apart, but before anything could happen, a voice was yelling at us, "YO! WE'RE GONNA GRAB A BITE TO EAT WE'LL MEET YOU THERE" Shouted pope. Great. We looked down at the sand for a second until I broke the awkward silence, "um, we should probably get going" "right Yea, let's go" we headed to the others and took a seat across from each other, I was next to Cleo on the right end and jj was next to pope. We made conversation and ate. While we were eating it started raining really hard. Awesome. Just awesome. Pope Cleo Sarah and John b came in the Twinkie together and offered me a ride home, considering the amount  of junk they had to bring and put back in the Twinkie it was pretty cramped.  I declined and said my dad would pick me up. JJ cake in his  motorcycle so he only had to worry about the getting wet part. Everyone started making their way to their designated vehicles until I yelled at JJ who was already standing in the rain. "Listen, I know it was weird alright? What almost happened on the beach? I just wanna know if we're okay?" "What are you talking about? Nothing almost happened on the beach" he denied it. What the hell? I could be just brushed it off but something inside of me was pissed. Before I could even process what came out of my mouth I started yelling. I had no control over my words, "seriously? SERIOUSLY? I MEAN AFTER ALL THE SHIT WE WENT THROUGH? THE PARTY, RAFE, THE HOSPITAL, MOVIE NIGHT, NOW THE BEACH? AND YOUR JUST GONNA PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED?" I kept yelling, he was soaking wet from the rain while I was walking towards him not giving a damn if I caught a cold. "I KNEW YOU HATED ME JJ BUT COME ON! YOU CANT TELL ME THAT WASNT REAL! I MIGHT BE GOING DELUSIONAL BUT I KNOW WHAT I FEEL FOR YOU AND IT SURE DAMN ISNT HATRED! YOU PROTECTING ME? STILL WANTING TO PLAY MY BOYFRIEND TO KEEP ME SAFE FEOM RAFE AND YOUR GONNA TELL ME YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE FEELING FOR ME? WE MIGHT NOT ALWAYS BE ON GOOD TERMS BUT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JJ? YOU DONT GET TO PULL THAT SHIT ON ME ALRIGHT? MAKE ME FEEL CRAZY FOR YOU AND GET TO BACK OUT WHENEVER YOU WANT! SO IN THIS CASE LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR, BACK THE HELL AWAY FR-" but I was cut off. Before I could finish my sentence I felt a pair of warm lips colliding with mine, hands holding my waist and water falling on my face. After I processed what wast happening I didn't pull back, I wanted this more than anything, I wanted his soft touch on my skin, his bright pink lips on mine, I wanted him. He deepened to kiss sliding his tongue in, exploring every inch possible. We didn't come up for air until we were drenched with rain. He pulled away placing his forehead against mine, "sorry, guess I didn't know when to hold back" I chuckled, still holding him, that was before my dad came. Shit.



JIARA | 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now