Chapter 22 - Beautiful Jaw-Lines And Fizzy Drinks

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Chapter 22 - Beautiful Jaw lines and Fizzy Drinks

"I will kill her!" We heard Jessica screech the next morning when we were walking in the hallway. The crowd that had formed quickly parted and I saw a fuming Jessica storming up to me, Hannah and Ava.

"Hey Jessica," I greeted casually, taking a sip of my soda when she was in front of me.

"Want some pop?" I asked, smirking. That was a good one.

"Ohhh!" The crowd chorused. Jessica turned a bit red, glaring at me.

"Shut up!" She screamed and leaned in close to me. "Watch your back, freak." She hissed and shoved passed me.

I rolled my eyes. "Because that was so scary." I muttered, walking to my next class with Hannah and Ava.

"Well, look at the bright side!" Ava said, nudging me. "At least she's not targeting us, right?"

I gave her a flat look. "That doesn't make me feel better." I told her and she shrugged.

"It made us feel better, which is the most important thing." Hannah replied playfully, waving at us and entering her classroom.

Soon we were at my classroom. I had Maths, but unfortunately I didn't really know anyone there, so it was quite awkward when the teacher asked us to get into pairs or groups.

I entered the classroom, sighing in relief when I saw the teacher wasn't there. I quickly sat down in my seat as the teacher walked in.

"Okay class, we will be starting a new topic today!" My teacher announced then the door opened. Everyone turned to see who the late-comer was, but he wasn't in the class.

The guy had curly brown hair and blue eyes. He could be a model if he wanted to, with his strong jawline, (which he was clenching) and cheekbones.

"Hi, Miss. I've been transferred into this class by my teacher..." He trailed off, noticing the 28 pairs of eyes on him. He handed the teacher a note, which she read and nodded.

"Okay, let me think of where you'll sit..." She said, looking around. I kept my bag on my chair, hoping she wouldn't look where I was.

I'd been able to have an empty seat next to me the whole semester ever since someone had offered to swap places so they could be next to their friend. I'd liked being alone because I had more space to keep my stuff, and when the teacher wasn't looking, I would keep my feet on the chair which was very helpful.

I tried desperately to look casual but then I made eye contact with the teacher. Oh no, I thought when she saw the seat next to me.

"Is anyone sitting next to you, Miss Williams?" She asked. I sighed.

"Well, my bag is on the chair. Does that count?" I replied and the class snickered.

"No." She said flatly and I huffed in annoyance. "You can sit next to her, Daniel."

Daniel nodded, grinning at me and he sauntered over. I reluctantly removed my bag from the seat.

"Hey." He whispered, grinning at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hi." I replied, then looked at the board when really, I was admiring his jawline from the corner of my eye.

"I'm Daniel. What's your name?" He whispered. If it was any other boy I'd be annoyed since he kept trying starting a conversation, but in order to talk he had to move his mouth which moved his jawline so I didn't mind.

"Unique or Grace." I mumbled, trying to look like I was paying attention to the teacher.

"Daniel! What's number 7?" The teacher suddenly asked.

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