Chapter 13 - Meeting Jessica Adams

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Chapter 13 - Meeting Jessica Adams

Ava and me was chatting and walking down the noisy hallway. 

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Someone shouted. Immediately, everyone's attention was on a pretty blonde, who had an angry expression on her face.

"Who's that?" I asked Ava. She looked at me with a nervous look on her face.

"That's Jessica Adams, the snobbiest, rudest, nastiest girl in the school." She replied. I looked at the scene taking place in front of me.

"I-I'm sorry Jessica, I didn't know the juice was expired." Said the girl Jessica was shouted at.

"You didn't?! It said it on the bottle, Hannah! Are you blind?" Jessica shouted. Hannah started shaking and Ava gasped.

"Hannah!'" Ava muttered, biting her lip.

I decided to do something. I despised bullies and I wouldn't just stand there like everyone else and watch Jessica shout at an innocent girl.

"I'm going to do something." I told Ava. She looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head vigorously.

"Don't Unique. Jessica is really good at making people's lives miserable. You could be next on her list. I'm sure Hannah will be fine." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Jessica is a human being, just like us. She can't do any harm, right?" I said, then without waiting for a reply, I walked to Jessica and Hannah.

"Do you want to poison me or something?" Jessica shouted. "Look at it! Just look at it" She said to the Hannah, and held it in front of her face. She was trembling with fear.

"Does that look clean to you?" Jessica asked. "DOES IT?!" She screamed in Hannah's ear. 

That's it. I had enough.

I tried to walk towards Jessica with a determined look on my face. She must've heard me coming because she turned to look at me with a smirk on her face. Everyone else looked at me to.

"What do you want, freak?" She said loudly. Oh no she didn't!

"Excuse me? Did you just call me a freak? You're the one getting worked up over clean, unexpired juice and blaming an innocent girl for no reason!" I said. Hannah turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"This is none of your business!" Jessica hissed, her blue eyes piercing into mine. I ignored the intense stare I was getting from the crowd.

"It might not be my business, but I'm not going to stand there and watch you shout at an innocent girl like the rest of these cowards!" I shouted. There was a few 'Heys!' from the crowd but I couldn't care less.

"In fact, I think it's time you get a taste of your own medicine. Let's see how gross this juice really is!" I said, grabbed the bottle from her hand then opened it up.

I poured the juice all over her. Everyone gasped. I smirked.

"Can you taste that, Jessica? That's the taste of something as sour as you." I said, handed the bottle to Hannah and hobbled away with a shocked Ava.

I thought Jessica wasn't going to come after me until I heard pounding footsteps on the floor. I turned around just as Jessica's fist connected with my nose. Once again everyone gasped.

I clutched my nose in pain, and then looked at Jessica who had a smirk on her face and a challenging look in her eyes. Then I felt my temper rising dangerously.

Ava knew about my temper, so before I could strangle Jessica with my bare hands, she held me back.

"Why are you holding her back?" Jessica asked Ava. "Let her go and we'll see what she's really made of."

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