Chapter 23 - Almost A Food Fight

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Chapter 23 - Almost A Food Fight

I gasped as the cold liquid was poured all over me. I'd just washed my hair for fudge's sake! I stood up, slowly approaching Jessica with my fists clenched.

She smirked victoriously while her friends cackled but they abruptly stopped, taking a few steps back when they saw my murderous expression.

Jessica just stood there, still smirking, trying to pretend she wasn't afraid. But I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Are you supposed to be scaring me?" She asked. This made me chuckle humorlessly.

"No, of course not." I said, reaching for my plate of food behind me. Jessica raised an eyebrow, looking calm and composed but she looked horrified when she saw the plate of salad heading towards her.

"Enjoy that, brat!" I exclaimed, laughing at Jessica who now had her face and hair covered in my salad.

Damn. I should have used the curry. I thought, looking at someone's plate.

"Unique! Watch out!" Ava suddenly shouted and I turned around to see Jessica hurling some curry at me. I ducked and everyone gasped.

Since Jessica's aim was very bad, it had landed on someone else. Not Daniel, Hannah or Ava. No, probably the type of person that would make the toughest man in the world wet their pants with one glare.

Isabel Lockhart.

Funnily enough, she was nothing like her sweet and cute name. Isabel wasn't that intimidating when you saw her, she was actually a nice person if you were friends with her. But she had anger issues.

Worse than mine.

And now as she slowly stood up and started walking towards Jessica with the sloppy curry in her hair, everyone looked genuinely scared for Jessica. Even Hannah.

But not me. I had no sympathy.

Isabel quickened her pace, glaring at Jessica who looked terrified. Jessica took off running and Isabel started chasing after her. I laughed.

"Faster! Keep on running, hon!" I shouted after Jessica, and Daniel joined in my laughter. Hannah and Ava shook their heads at us even though they were amused.

"You guys are horrible." Ava said and I wiped a tear from my eye.

"You do know what Isabel will do to Jessica once she's caught her, right?" Hannah asked me and I nodded, grinning.

"It's her fault for trying to start a food fight." I replied and Daniel kept an arm around my shoulder.

I felt someone staring at me so I turned around to see Nathan sitting a table behind me with his friends. They were trying to tell him something but his eyes were focused on Daniels arm, burning holes into them.

"... It's kinda funny how- Unique! Are you even listening to me?" Hannah said and I looked back at her with an innocent smile.

"Of course." I answered. Hannah crossed her arms.

"Then what did I just say?" She asked.

"What did I just say." I replied and Daniel chuckled, making me smile. His laughter was so contagious.

"What were you looking at anyway?" Hannah asked, trying to look behind me. I tried to block her view but I was too late; she saw Nathan.

Hannah glared at me. "I told you to stay away from him!" She exclaimed.

"How do you know I was even looking at him?" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Well... I... Whatever." Hannah grumbled looking away.

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