Chapter 32 - Doing It My Way

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Chapter 32 - Doing It My Way

Over the next week or so, I either stayed at home or with Cece in her hospital room, patiently waiting for her to wake up. I avoided all human contact as much as possible, and I completely forgot I attended one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the country until my mum reminded me.

"Unique, you're semester break ended two days ago. I'm not paying the school for you to stay here every day missing valuable education time." She told me in a stern voice. I just sighed, standing up and leaving as I wasn't in the mood for an argument.

I quickly left the hospital and started looking for a bus or cab to take back. Thankfully, I found spare change in my pockets so I called for a cab, knowing I couldn't even risk going out in public with my scruffy appearance.

Once I arrived at home I glanced at the clock, which showed I was around thirty minutes late for school. I sighed again, knowing I'd have to go since it was Tuesday and went upstairs. After packing everything I'd need for school in my suitcase, I showered then dressed up in my uniform. I tweezed my eyebrows as they had grown out of shape then applied mascara and lip-gloss to my face. Afterwards I dried my hair, curled it slightly then pinned half of it up, letting the rest flow down my back in dark waves.

Satisfied with my appearance, I replaced my blazer with my jacket, unplugged my phone from its charger, plugged my earphones in, grabbed any spare money lying around and left my house, locking the door behind me.


"Ah, Miss Williams!" My teacher called as soon as I walked inside. "Good to have you back."

I just smiled at him, walking to my usual seat next to Nathan, only to find someone already sitting in his seat. When I stopped in front of him, he slowly lifted his head. I definitely wasn't expecting who to see next.

He was black, with light brown eyes which seemed to intensely watch me. In other words, if 'sexy' was personified, he would be it.

"Um, hi?" I stuttered out. He just looked amused.

"Unique, as Nathaniel isn't in, Gabriel will stay there for today." My teacher suddenly called from the front of the room. I glanced at him and nodded.

"Also, take off your jacket please, or else I'll have to confiscate it." My teacher said, adjusting the sleeves of his coat. I rolled my eyes, taking off my jacket and sitting down. Thankfully, the wounds I'd received from being kidnapped weren't on my arm or neck, so there was nothing to be suspicious about.

Gabriel eyes seemed to burn into my arms, and for a second I felt as if he could see my wounds. I quickly dismissed the idea, giving him a smile as a sat down.

"So, what should we draw?" I asked after I read the new task we had to do that was written on the whiteboard. He shrugged, and I nearly drooled as I watched his shoulders move up and down.

"Whatever you want." He replied, and I just about fainted when I heard his voice. It was deep, velvety and just sounded angelic.

From then on, we worked in silence, only speaking to discuss what we want to do with our drawings. I soon realised Gabriel was a man of very little words, and he only spoke when necessary. He also seemed as though he wasn't interested in the flirty glances he was getting from other girls.

It was refreshing.


I was walking down the hallway to my locker so I could get the books for my next lesson. I heard a door open, but thought nothing of it.

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