Chapter 30 - You Can't Rescue Everyone

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Brace yourselves.

Chapter 30 - You Can't Rescue Everyone

I slowly opened my eyes, ignoring the light and construction noise that were coming from the window next to my bed. I rubbed the sleeping sand from my eyes, sitting up and running a hand through my hair. I glanced at the bed beside me to see my mum sleeping on it with a peaceful expression on her face.

I sighed, thinking about the events of yesterday.

"Do you think you're higher than everyone else, or that you deserve special treatment? There are other children in here because they have been through far worse than a broken ankle, yet you always act as if you're royalty and I'm sick about it. I didn't raise you this way. Do you know how hard it was being a single mother of two? Did you ever seem to think why I worked so much, to provide for my girls? No, you didn't. You just whined and complained about how you weren't treated properly, forgetting you're not the only child anymore. Open your eyes Unique, open them real wide." She took a deep breath.

"Not everything goes your way."

That hurt, a lot. But it was unfortunately true.

After my mum's rant she'd stormed out, leaving me speechless and close to tears, probably not caring that the whole ward had probably heard every word she'd said, which was extremely embarrassing for both of us.

You don't know how much the nurses gossip.

Anyway, I climbed out of bed, glancing at the clock which read nine seventeen. Another forty three minutes until the doctors came to see me, and I could finally be discharged. I decided that it was time to clean up because when I was finally leaving I didn't want to look like someone who'd just stayed in bed all day for the past one and a half weeks.

Which was what actually happened.

Anyway, I got out of bed, not wincing when I landed on my 'bad' foot and ignored the crutches standing up against my bed as I made my way to my locker. After grabbing my necessities I started walking to the bathroom, trying hard to not limp as I could see out of the corner of my eyes the nurses watching me.

I said morning to a few of them, knowing it would be the last time I would see them and I was thankful for everything they'd did even when I was acting like a brat. I quickly cleaned up, not wanting to miss the doctors when they came, so I could leave as soon as possible and go home to see Cece. She must miss me...

Wait, she wasn't at home.

She was with that son of a donkey that you called a father.

I couldn't stop the (thankfully silent) tears flowing down my face as I walked back to my ward and climbed into bed, trying to stop the unbelievable sadness I felt.

But what made me feel better was that the police would catch them tomorrow and bring them to justice. Hopefully they would let me come with the ambulance as well, so I could stay with Cece. I knew that she'd need her sister with her when they rescued her.

Suddenly, the curtain opened and Doctor Lane popped her head inside. I hurriedly wiped the tears, giving her a small smile.

"Morning Unique!" She said cheerily, stepping inside with her clipboard. "How are you doing today?"

"Fine, thank you." Was my polite reply.

"Good, good. So, you know you're being discharged later on today, right?"


"But before that we'll need to run a few tests on your ankle and head. Is your mum around?" She asked.

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