Chapter 7 - Me VS A 60 Year Old Librarian

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Chapter 7 - Me VS A 60 Year Old Librarian

Well, after the little accident with the coffee and my mum, I started reading some books I'd brought along with me; I was totally a book worm. 

Joking! My mum asked/forced me to go to the library. She said I deserved to go somewhere silent and calm, but I knew she just wanted me out of the hotel!

 Anyway, I was in the library, listening to some music. It was so calm and peaceful that I fell asleep. Instead of my Prince Charming waking me up with a kiss, I was woken up by someone shaking me.

"Wake up! The library's about to close! WAKE UP!" Shouted an old lady, probably the librarian. I opened my eyes and looked around, taking in my surroundings. I looked up and saw a wrinkled, old face glaring down at me. She smelt of cat food and dust. 

"The library's about to close! Your parents must be worried!" She told me.

"Parent, actually." I corrected. "And she doesn't really like me so I'm sure she won't be calling the police to find a missing 16-year old girl!" I said. 

The old lady raised an eyebrow, or what was left of it. Just a few grey hairs, really.

"Oh really, why don't you take a look at today's news." She said, and turned on a TV. As if right on cue, there was a picture of me. It was when I was, about 10 years old. The news reporter said that I'd been missing for 8 hours. Wait, I'd been missing for 8 fudging hours? Whoa. 

The librarian switched of the TV and looked at me, smiling. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"So, now would you like to go home? Or do you want me to bring some pillows and blankets for you?" She asked coldly. I smiled back.

"Pillows and blankets please." I said and relaxed in my chair. Of course I knew she was being sarcastic, and I wasn't going to stay in a dusty old library, but I think she didn't catch on.

Before you knew it, I was dragged out of the library by a woman who was probably over 60 years old. For an old lady she was strong. Like, really strong. 

I mean, if a 60 year old lady and a 16-year old girl was going to fight, you'd expect the 16 year old girl to win right? Well in this case, the 60 year old lady won, which was a bit worrying. I needed to go back to the gym.

Anyway, after being pushed out of the library, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started to walk back home. 


"Where on earth have you been Unique?" Asked my mum when I walked into the room. I knew this wasn't a good time for sarcasm, but I just couldn't help myself.

"I was on the moon." I replied, and was about to sit on the sofa but my mum grabbed me by my ear. I looked at her in surprise, but before I could say anything I was dragged into . . . The bathroom?

I rubbed my ear and glared at her. She glared back at me, with an expression that could freeze blood. 

"I'm tired of your rebellious act, Unique. This is one of the reasons why I'm sending you to Star Academy. There's much more-" She started but I cut her off.

"Is one of the reasons wanting to get rid of me? You think I'm being rebellious, but I'm just being myself. You're going to send me to Star Academy, because you want to change me!" I shouted.

"Unique, you need to calm down, you're going to wake up Cece . . ." She started.

"I will not calm down! I'm sick of you always wishing that I could be the perfect daughter. Mother's aren't meant to change their children, they're meant to like them they way they are! Clearly, you don't like me the way I am! Oh, and I was at the library, remember, where you forced me to go!" I shouted, then stormed out of the bathroom.

I sat down, taking deep breaths. I needed to calm my temper, even if I had every right to be angry. I was tired, tired of my mum's ranting. Wanting me to become, 'a proper lady'. It was so annoying!

Sometimes I wished that my dad was here. But he was in New York. That's mostly why we moved here, so Cece wouldn't see our dad.

I took mostly after my dad, same dark hair, same brown eyes, and same love of candy. My dad moved out,  I was only 10, and Cece wasn't born yet. My mum kept on saying that when Cece was older, she'd know more about her dad.

Well, she actually said: 'When Cecelia is more matured and older, I'll tell her all about her father.' My mum called Cece by her full name, 'Cecelia'. Cece didn't mind though, but when she became older it would start to get annoying.

I should know.

Anyway, I quickly changed into my pyjamas then climbed inside my bed. That night I dreamt about me and the librarian, in a boxing ring, fighting.

And guess who won? Yes, you guessed right, the librarian won.



Here's chapter 6! Please ignore any mistakes and Chapter 7 will be coming soon. Vote, share and COMMENT! Don't be a silent reader!

SEE YA! :)

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