Chapter 25 - Defend The Sibling First

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Chapter 25 - Defend The Sibling First

I stood up, immediately gathering my things together and keeping them in my bag. I ignored everyone's stares and left the room with the teacher, my heart pounding?

What did she mean by accident?

I thought back to the last time I'd seen Cece and my mum, and I felt like crying all over again.

"Cece!" I exclaimed, running over to my little sister that I'd missed so much. We hugged each other tightly. Once I let go of her I walked over to my mum, giving her a tight smile.

"How have you been, Grace?" She asked and I tried hard to not roll my eyes.

"My name is Unique, and I've been fine, mum." I snapped, then bit my lip when I realised how rude that was. I mean, I hadn't seen her in almost a month; I could be a bit nicer.

"Wow, you've still learn no manners after being here for weeks. I should send you to Military school!" My mum suddenly exclaimed, and I frowned.

So much for apologising.

"Well excuse me for telling my mother my name, which she somehow forgot while I was away for a few weeks." I retorted sarcastically. My mum's eyes widened and she looked furious.

"We, young lady, are going to have a serious talk when we get home." She hissed, grabbing my wrist, and calling Cece then walking away with us quickly.


"How dare you disgrace me and yourself like that in public?" My mum shouted after sending Cece up to her room when we were in the house.

I just kept quiet, crossing my arms and looking at the floor. If I'd argued back it would take much longer.

"In front of all places!" My mum carried on, her arms failing in the air. "In front of Star Academy!"

I still kept silent, my face not giving away my feelings.

"Are you even listening, young lady?!" She practically screeched. I rolled my eyes, nodding.

"Where did I go wrong?" My mum was now muttering to herself, pacing. Then she stopped and turned to look at me.

"Unique, what happened? You were always a good girl. Every since I sent you to Star Academy, you've gotten worse!" She exclaimed then paused. "Is it a boy?"

"No!" I immediately exclaimed and she kept her hands on her hips.

"Then why are you acting like a spoilt, rebellious brat?" She spat and I stepped back as if she had slapped me.

Sure, my mum hadn't been very nice to me before but she'd never called me something. Especially a spoiled, rebellious brat.

"Is that what you really think of me?" I whispered in disbelief and she kept silent, not even looking guilty.

Wow. She had really changed.

"Is that what you think of me?" I asked and my voice slightly rose. My mum glared at me.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" She shouted. "And you didn't answer my question. Why are you acting like a spoilt, rebellious br-"

"BECAUSE OF YOU!" I screamed, not being able to hold in the tears anymore. "B-because of how you treat me! Do you know how I feel every time you shout at me? O-or when you completely ignore me?"

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