Chapter 4

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▪️A L A R I C▪️

Witnessing Golnar's reaction to my unforeseen announcement of our impending marriage was an unforgettable sight.

Her icy blue eyes widened, pupils dilating like a startled doe caught in the moonlight. The air seemed to pulse with the weight of the news, and a flush of heat rose to her cheeks, contrasting against her light grey skin.

"Anu's beard..." Golnar breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

She glanced up at me, her gaze searching my face for any sign of jest or deception. Instead, she found my eyes fixed on her, my expression a blend of apprehension and quiet understanding. From the various expressions that played across her face, I knew that her mind was racing.

The disbelief in her eyes was palpable, a reflection of the shockwaves my words had sent through her.

It was clear that I had misjudged the impact of my revelation. I berated myself inwardly; I should have approached this more delicately, taken the time to prepare her for such an important announcement. But the words had tumbled out of my mouth, propelled by a force beyond my control.

Golnar stood before me, her features a tableau of emotions; surprise, uncertainty, and perhaps a touch of apprehension. It was evident that the weight of what I had just disclosed was settling in, reshaping the reality she had known only moments ago.

"I didn't mean for it to come out like this," I stammered, my own sense of unease surfacing. "I should have found a better way to explain."

Her gaze remained on me, searching for answers or perhaps reassurance. I could see the questions forming in her eyes, the need for clarity and understanding. In that moment, I realized the depth of the responsibility I now bore, not only for the alliance of our kingdoms but for the woman standing before me.

Golnar's voice, when she finally spoke, held a blend of disbelief and a hint of vulnerability. "This changes everything..."

I nodded, acknowledging the enormity of what I had just revealed, "Yes, and I understand that you'll need some time to process this. It's a lot to take in."

I extended a hand to Golnar, wordlessly inviting her to step aside. The eyes of the onlookers lingered, their curiosity palpable, but I was determined to grant us a semblance of privacy, if even for a moment. She hesitated for a moment before accepting my offer, her gaze meeting mine briefly before we moved a few paces away from the others.

The air was thick with tension, the weight of our situation pressing down on us.

As we stood in the shadow of the looming castle walls, I opened my mouth to speak, but Golnar beat me to it.

"I don't understand this at all. You really expect me to just marry you, Alaric? You've killed so many of my kind!" Golnar whispered, her eyes filled with pain and accusation, fixed on me with a raw intensity.

I held her gaze, the weight of her words settling heavily on my shoulders as I replied, "I won't even try and deny the conflicts of the past. There has been pain and loss on both sides. But it's crucial to understand that I'm committed to a different future. Remember why you agreed to come with me, to forge a path of peace together."

Her expression was a whirlwind of emotions, her eyes widening slightly, "Peace, yes, marriage, no. I never agreed to marry you."

"But you are my fated mate! This is what is expected of us among my people, we are to be wed whether we like it or not. I know it won't be easy, but it's a chance to build a bridge between our worlds. Let's not be prisoners of the past, Golnar. Together, we can create something new and better."

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