Chapter 8

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▪️G O L N A R▪️

I might have been mistaken, but it seemed like Alaric just confessed his love for me.

His thumb traced the back of my hand, a gentle, reassuring touch. I felt a subtle tension in my fingers, an involuntary response to the unexpected turn in our conversation. My breath caught, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty swirling within me.

My brows knitted together, a surge of emotions coursing through the length of my body while I struggled to comprehend his words. My lips parted, forming the singular question that echoed through my mind.

"Love?" I said out loud.

"Yes, Golnar, I do love you," he confirmed, his voice steady but filled with sincerity. Then, with a gentle smile, he added, "You seem taken aback."

The weight of his declaration hung in the air and I felt a combination of disbelief, doubt, and a touch of cynicism all at once. It was as if the ground beneath me had shifted, leaving me standing on uncertain footing. The light of the two moons bathed us in its gentle glow, casting a surreal aura over the moment.

I met his gaze, searching for any hint of doubt or reservation in his eyes. His expression seemed earnest, while his thumb continued to trace patterns on the back of my hand. It was clear that he believed every word he had spoken, that for him, this revelation was a truth that could not be denied.

Taking a deep breath, I replied, my voice softer as I sought to understand. "Of course, I'm taken aback, Alaric, this is unexpected and I don't know how to process this."

As our eyes locked, my emotions threatened to overwhelm me. Love had always been a concept I approached with caution, shrouded in scepticism, deeming it an enigmatic and intricate emotion. Yet, in this moment, it unfolded before me, solid and palpable, defying my expectations.

The weight of his words sank in, and a vulnerable truth echoed within me and in the quiet of the night, I found myself hesitating.

Could I allow myself to open up to this unfamiliar territory, to believe that I was worthy of such a profound connection? The touch of his hand in mine served as an anchor, grounding me in the reality of the moment.

"I never thought..." My voice wavered, the admission hanging in the air, vulnerable yet honest. "I never thought anyone could feel this way about me. And to be honest, I don't know if I'm capable of returning it, at least not in the same manner."

The words spilled forth, raw and unfiltered, baring the depths of my uncertainty.

Of course, I was not blind to the way our interactions had evolved over this past month, at least from my side. Gone were the days of complete distrust and dismissiveness; replaced by a newfound openness and consideration.

I realized that I had shed the judgments I once held, no longer allowing them to cloud my perception of Alaric simply because of his Fae heritage. Instead, I embraced the opportunity to learn and appreciate the depth and richness of his culture and experiences. The clashes we once had were replaced with a shared sense of purpose. In quiet moments beneath star-strewn skies, we laid bare our histories, revealing dreams and aspirations that bound us together.

Day by day, the boundaries that had kept us apart faded, replaced by a deepening friendship. Laughter became our anthem, and our glances held unspoken conversations that spoke volumes.

It was as though the very cosmos itself had conspired to bring us together, propelling us past the limitations of our rivalry and creating a genuine bond. In this unexpected transformation, a deeper connection began to unfurl, weaving its threads between us. Affection bloomed, entwined with a newfound understanding, casting a gentle, warm radiance over my heart.

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