Chapter 1

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▪️A L A R I C▪️

Kings are bound by the chains of history.

It was something that Cedric, my older brother, always reminded me of when we were growing up. In fact, I should have never been King; that was a position that rightfully belonged to Cedric, given that he was the firstborn.

Unfortunately, fate had a different design in mind.

Despite the traditional order of succession favouring my older brother, Cedric, it seemed the threads of destiny wove a tale that defied convention. The weight of the crown, meant for him, now rested heavily on my shoulders. It was a responsibility I never sought, yet one I could not avoid.

After the defeat of our esteemed Fae Queen, Nissa, an ancient prophecy foretold that a ruler with a specific set of abilities would ascend to the throne centuries later during a critical time for the Fae.

With our magic severely depleted and the years passing by, the prophecy faded into obscurity, a forgotten relic of our once-potent heritage. Then, a decade ago, on a night forever etched into our history, a divine presence, revered by our kind, graced us with a message. It declared that I, against all expectations, had been anointed by higher powers to be the rightful ruler.

For reasons still shrouded in mystery, our powers began to stir, reawakening from their long slumber, even to this day. The source of this resurgence remains an enigma, an unfathomable gift bestowed upon us by forces beyond our understanding.

Unlike most of the Fae, however, my magic was much stronger.

My shapeshifting capabilities were unlike any other as I had the ability to take on different forms. Not to mention where my mystic warding was concerned, I could create powerful protective barriers and shields, providing invaluable defense against magical or physical threats.

But the thing that set me apart from all the Fae and was the reason that I had been named King was my elemental mastery. I could command and manipulate all the elements, such as fire, water, earth, and air, while most Fae only possessed the ability to wield one or two elements at most.

In the quiet shadows of time, we nurtured our burgeoning power, biding our time for the perfect moment to unveil our might against the orcs. Each passing day, our strength grew, a pulsing undercurrent of potential, as we meticulously prepared for the inevitable clash with our ancient adversaries.

As we trained, honed our skills, and harnessed the returning magic, we remained vigilant, knowing that the delicate balance of power could shift at any moment. Our kingdom's future hung in the balance, and we held the key to its salvation, hidden beneath layers of secrecy and caution.

Through the years of patient waiting, we studied the orcs, learned their strategies, and anticipated their moves. We knew that timing was everything; a premature reveal of our power could tip the scales in their favour. So, we bided our time, watching, waiting, until the moment was right to strike with a force they could never have anticipated.

"Are you ready?" Kieran, my second in command asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Can anyone ever truly be ready for battle?" I responded, my tone indicating that I had no desire to continue the conversation.

I never wanted a war.

Yet here I was, riding towards the looming battlefield, the weight of my crown feeling more burdensome than ever.

My heart weighed heavily with reluctance as the desire for war echoed through the halls of my court. My people, their spirits emboldened by a longing to assert their strength, fervently advocated for a confrontation with the orcs, a display of power meant to leave an indelible mark.

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