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12 Moon Cycles Later

A year had passed since Golnar and Alaric had renewed their vows under the ancient oak tree, reaffirming their commitment to each other. The Fae Kingdom had flourished since then, the unity between the Fae and the orcs strengthening with each passing day.

The evening sun bathed the forest in a golden glow as Golnar and Alaric emerged from the grand hall where the joyous wedding ceremony of a Fae couple had just concluded. The venue had been adorned with garlands of blooming flowers and twinkling fairy lights. As they stepped outside, the sounds of laughter and music filled the air, blending harmoniously with the natural symphony of rustling leaves and chirping birds.

The celebration of love and unity resonated through the trees, their branches swaying gently as if dancing to the melodies. Lanterns hung from the branches, casting a warm, ethereal glow that illuminated the clearing. Children, their faces painted with whimsical designs, darted between the adults, their giggles adding a joyful rhythm to the festivities.

Tables laden with an array of delectable foods lined the edges of the clearing, the rich aromas of roasted meats, fresh fruits, and baked goods mingling with the fragrant scent of wildflowers. Guests, both Fae and orc, moved between the tables, sharing stories and toasts, their expressions reflecting the happiness of the occasion. The mingling of the two races was seamless, a testament to the deep bond that had formed between them over the past year.

Golnar and Alaric paused for a moment, taking in the vibrant scene before them. The Fae, with their ethereal beauty and grace, and the orcs, with their imposing presence and hearty laughter, stood side by side, united in celebration. It was a sight that filled Golnar's heart with pride and joy.

The setting sun cast long shadows across the clearing, the golden light filtering through the canopy above and creating a dappled pattern on the forest floor. Fireflies began to emerge, their tiny lights twinkling like stars in the growing twilight. The gentle hum of conversation, the clinking of glasses, and the soft strains of music created an atmosphere of peace and contentment.

As Golnar and Alaric walked hand in hand, they exchanged smiles with their friends, acknowledging the many congratulations and well-wishes that came their way. The sense of community was palpable, a living, breathing entity that embraced everyone present.

The clearing, with its lush greenery and enchanting decorations, felt like a magical haven, a place where the past year's hardships seemed a distant memory. It was a celebration not just of the newlyweds, but of the resilience and strength that had brought their people together.

"Another beautiful union," Golnar said, her voice filled with contentment.

Alaric nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes, it's heartening to see so much joy after everything we've been through."

They strolled through the forest, the path leading them away from the bustling celebration. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, their soft whispers blending with the distant laughter and music from the grand hall. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers, a fragrant reminder of the life that had flourished over the past year.

Golnar's gaze swept over the landscape, marvelling at how much had changed. The trees, once scarred by the ravages of war, now stood tall and proud, their branches heavy with new growth. Vines adorned with vibrant blossoms climbed their trunks, creating cascades of colour that danced in the fading light. Wildflowers carpeted the forest floor, their petals glowing like tiny jewels in the twilight.

The path they walked on, once a rugged trail, had been transformed into a well-trodden route, lined with stones that gleamed softly in the evening light. It wound through the heart of the forest, leading to hidden groves and clearings where new life had taken root. Birds flitted from branch to branch, their songs a joyful counterpoint to the rustling leaves.

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