Chapter 18

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▪️G O L N A R▪️

In the weeks that followed, things seemed to go from bad to worse.

Alaric and I never really got to spend much time enjoying our new marital status. Instead, we had to deal with various attacks on parts of the kingdom, increasing in violence with each one.

Despite our best efforts to quell the unrest, the situation seemed to spiral further out of control with each passing day. It was as though an invisible hand was guiding the chaos, orchestrating events with a malevolent intent that defied comprehension.

As we delved deeper into the source of the disturbances, it became increasingly clear that someone—or something—was wielding powerful magic to sow discord and destruction throughout the Fae Kingdom. The attacks were too coordinated, too precise to be mere coincidence. It was as though an unseen puppeteer was pulling the strings, manipulating events from the shadows to further their own dark agenda.

Alaric and I worked tirelessly alongside the council and other high-ranking Fae, scouring ancient books and consulting with the most knowledgeable scholars in a desperate bid to uncover the identity of our adversary.

Even though the answers remained elusive, hidden behind layers of ancient lore and arcane mysteries, that did not stop us from strategizing and planning a way to restore order.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow while Alaric and I patrolled the nearby city limits on the eastern side. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and fear, a stark reminder of the turmoil that had gripped our realm in recent times.

Large numbers of Fae warriors patrolled around the kingdom day and night, their vigilant eyes scanning for any sign of trouble. Clad in armour adorned with intricate runes and armed with weapons forged from pure magic, they stood as stalwart defenders of our kingdom, their unwavering resolve a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.

Alaric and I had parted ways from a group of warriors, opting to explore a particular street on our own.

"It seems as though there's no end in sight," I murmured, my voice heavy with exhaustion as I glanced at my husband. "No matter how hard we fight, they just keep coming back."

Alaric's jaw tightened; his gaze fixed on the horizon as he scanned the city for any signs of trouble. "We cannot afford to lose hope, my love," he replied, his voice resolute. "We must continue to stand strong, no matter the odds."

I nodded in silent agreement, though the weight of our responsibilities felt heavier than ever. "I know," I said softly, reaching out to squeeze his hand in a silent gesture of solidarity. "But sometimes it feels as though we're fighting a losing battle. These creatures are unlike anything anyone has ever seen."

Alaric's grip tightened around mine, his expression grim yet determined. "We cannot afford to give in to despair," he insisted, his voice quiet but firm.

The stone streets echoed with the sounds of our footsteps, the rhythmic clack of our boots a steady cadence against the backdrop of chaos. Buildings lay in ruins around us, their once-grand facades now reduced to rubble by the relentless onslaught of the rebels and the creatures that worked alongside them. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and ash, a tangible reminder of the fires that had ravaged our once-thriving kingdom.

In the wake of the devastation, we had been forced to evacuate this side of the city, a desperate attempt to contain the chaos and protect the remaining inhabitants from the horrors that now prowled its streets. The once-bustling thoroughfares now lay eerily deserted, haunted by the echoes of a realm that had been torn apart by forces beyond our comprehension.

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