Chapter 7

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▪️A L A R I C▪️

It had been just over a month since Golnar started living in the castle.

As I sat in the ornate council chamber, my thoughts drifted to a recent memory that never failed to bring a smile to my face. It was a sunlit courtyard, swords clashing in a rhythm that seemed almost like a dance.

Golnar, with her striking appearance, had stood before me, a vision of strength and grace. Her light grey skin seemed to shimmer in the mid-morning sun, while her pointed ears peeked out from a cascade of dark red hair that framed her face.

Her icy blue eyes held a fierce intensity, like the depths of a frozen lake, reflecting a determination that ran as deep as her ancestry. In those piercing eyes, I could see a fire that burned brighter than any I had encountered before.

When our swords had clashed, it was as if we shared a silent understanding, an unspoken language that transcended words. Golnar's anticipatory strikes were executed with the precision of a seasoned warrior, each movement calculated and efficient. Not to mention that, once she combined her magic with her formidable combat skills, she truly became a force to be reckoned with, leaving no doubt about her capabilities on the battlefield.

As we sparred in the sunlit courtyard, I could not help but be in awe of her. Golnar was more than just a skilled warrior; she was living proof to the complexities of her heritage, a fusion of worlds that had shaped her into the formidable warrior she was today.

Our daily training sessions had become a sanctuary for both of us, a place where the weight of our responsibilities melted away, if only for a short while. There was laughter, too, and a friendship had slowly begun to grow between us.

"Is that the best you've got, Alaric?" Golnar had taunted, a playful glint in her eye, as she deftly parried one of my strikes.

I responded with a grin, "You'll have to do better than that, my dear," before launching into a series of feints and thrusts, pushing her to her limits.

The corners of my mouth twitched as the memory continued to replay in my mind.

In those moments, we discovered strengths we had not known we possessed and exposed vulnerabilities we had not been willing to acknowledge. Golnar's willpower was both inspiring and humbling, and I was grateful for the things she was teaching me.

And in return, I offered her guidance and support, helping her embrace her Fae magic while providing a steadying presence in a new world that had yet to fully embrace her. I saw the hunger in her eyes, the unyielding desire to prove herself, and I admired her unwavering determination to rise above her past.

I snapped back to the present, my thoughts abruptly interrupted by the stern voice of one of the council members.

"Your Majesty?" Cornelius asked.

The words cut through the haze of my daydreams, bringing me back to the ornate chamber and the weight of my responsibilities. The intricately carved walls seemed to close in around me, adorned with the symbols of generations past, each one a testament to the legacy I was tasked with upholding.

"Yes, I'm listening," I reacted while straightening in my chair. I met Cornelius' gaze with a quick nod and said, "Please continue."

The council member raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced by my sudden return to attention. The room seemed to hold its breath, the air heavy with anticipation. I knew I could not afford to let my mind wander again, not with the pressing matters at hand.

As I cleared my throat, I sensed Golnar shifting in her seat beside me, and her presence was a reassuring anchor within this sea of political atmosphere. Her gaze briefly met mine, her icy blue eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the gravity of the situation.

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