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Smrita POV~
It feels weird. That night, why did everyone bring me here if mom is with me? And why do these people look familiar?
Ever since I came here, everyone would keep saying I'm a mad person just like my dad. But, what happened to him? Where is my dad? Whenever i would ask this, they would throw some taunts and ignore me. I never understood why everyone does this.
It's my birthday today but i dont even feel anything special. I got up from the dining table, sighing. "Are what is this. And why are you not eating?" The old aunty asks, frowning. Ugh. Not again.
"I don't feel like eating." I said, trying to sound polite. "These kids nowadays. So much nakhre." Saying this, she got back to her work, not even caring what i do now as I'm not their child. I go to the attic room, where I basically live. As I enter, I see mom in her blue saree, and whats strange is she is packing my bags. "Mom? Kya hua. Why are you packing my bags? And are we going anywhere? What about the people here?" I keep bombarding her with questions.
"Shh. Just tell them you need to go. If they ask anything, just say, it's time. Leave the rest to me." Mumma says, handing over the bags to me. What is even going on here.

Authors Pov~
Smrita runs downstairs with the bags on her shoulder. "Bye I'm going." She says, delighted. "Ohh wait beta. Come here. Who allowed you to get out of here? You're not old enough to leave. Come back inside. And nobody's leaving without my per-" Before she could finish, smrita shushes her with a finger and runs away. "No no no no no" She can't run away like that. The old lady thought. She dials a number on her phone. "Ha. Yes bhai. Wo bhaag gayi. Theek hai." She cut the call, slightly smirking. "Ja smrita jaa. Jee le apni jindagi." She says to herself, laughing like a maniac.

That night, smrita and her imaginary mom, went back to the haveli. Little did smrita know, that it was her last time meeting her mom. As soon as she entered, she saw the picture of her mother, hanging on the wall. "Wait no. What. It- it can't be. M-mom?" She gasped, turning around only to see her mom covered in blood, just the way she was that night, before amar stabbed her to death. "Save this haveli, beta. Don't let anyone, I mean anyone ever own this haveli. Please." Rani said, a tear dropping from her eye. "Mom no what. Why are saying this. And why are you covered in blood. Mom please don't leave me. Please." Smrita kept begging, but, Rani never came back. And after that day, Smrita became the owner of the haveli.

Years and years passed by, only with smrita living alone in the haveli. Before she got married.
And who knows, history might repeat itself~

Okay surprise!! I was gonna post later but yeahh here you guys go^^
Don't forget to vote and comment!
With love,
Author isa♡

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