Chp. 16

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??? Pov~
I chuckled darkly to myself, after reading the chats of Karan and a girl, her name something like Reyha, by hacking his chats into my phone. My jaw clenched, as my mind flashed to my childhood. He stole everything from me. Everything that should have been mine...he took it all away! ARGHHH!!!! I grit my teeth in anger, as the unforgettable incident played through my head, like a scene of a movie, a movie where I should've been the main character. The lights and attention should be at me!!! Huh. Chalo koi baat nahi.. Wo Kehte hai na, jo tera hai, wo mera hai. I guess I'll have to apply this between us too....Karan Malhotra, urf my wannabe, get ready for some twist in your movie. Because, I am getting back what should've been mine, and just watch, how they will all want ME as their only son, not some 2nd version of the original Malhotra. And when I come back, sab dekhte reh jaayenge.

Back to the call of Aarohi and Aaryan-
Authors Pov~
Aarohi finally vented everything to Aaryan, and he was dumbfounded. He couldn't process what he had just heard. The happy family that never had to face problems, was now getting divorced? Especially at such an important time when it was Aarohis final MBBS year.

What really shocked him more was, that the man that had got freed..was one of his favorite uncles in his childhood. He had spent his childhood with Ishaan and Jay, which made him close to the uncle too.It was hard to believe that the man he once looked up to was the most wanted criminal some years ago. It made both of them curious to know, who was this person Ishaans uncle had killed, that the whole Shukla family refused to talk about? What had happened that Aarohis mom stiffens up on hearing any questions related to this. As the questions endlessly swirled in their mind, they couldn't help but get more curious and anticipated to know everything.

What was so special about this so called haveli? And why were all of them restricted to go there? And why did Aarohi not know anything about her ancestors? Their questions were left unanswered, as they cut the call, going back to work.

Aaryans Pov~
I sighed, as the phone ended. I told her me and Drishti would be visiting soon enough, as our mom is also going to visit aunty. Hey bhagwaan, is cutie- I mean Aarohi ke aadhe dukh mujhe hi dedo but please let her get her MBBS degree khushi khushi. Im pretty sure mom must know whats happening as I heard her on a call with aunty a while before. Hmm looks like I'll have to investigate into this a little.

I look at the time and Oh hell- I had a meeting?!?! Shit shit shit. I mentally curse myself, as I open my laptop, while getting up and fumbling for my tie and ironed shirt. Ye ladki pakka marwayegi mujhe ek din.

Meanwhile at Amrita's office-
Amrita's Pov~

I'm smiling geekily, as I finally conclude my last meeting of the day, and head out of the office, car keys jingling. I'm gonna buy a small gift for my little cutie because it's her exam day after tomorrow and she will be graduated soon, and a bouquet for dad because he's finally BACKK!!! I'm so so happy today. I stop near a flower shop, and after that, I head towards a bookstore.

Authors pov~
Who could've told her, that this evening was truly going to be unforgettable in everyone's lives.

Aarohi's Pov~
My hands are trembling, as I wash my face, heading towards my room with my books, locking it behind. The day after tomorrow, the war is going to begin.. I cant believe it. Apne bhi kitni jaldi dhokha de dete hai apni khushi ke liye. It will be my last chance, to prove through my exam if i am worth a degree or no, and the court trials would be beginning too, for the divorce. Why? Why dad why.... My eyes are still red from crying. I get up and go towards the mirror. Damn Aarohi. You've become such a failure. Hell man I dont even deserve a degree. Instead all this should've ended way before. Huh. I see myself in the mirror, hands pale and cold and my eyes worn out from this living this cruel life.

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