Chp. 21

19 3 22

Authors Pov~
The place, was dimly lit with some candle, giving off a silent eerie vibe. The group looked at each other, thinking the same thing. With a nervous smile plastered on their face, they entered the place. Unfortunately, the place seemed to be locked. And what was more unfortunate, the lock was jammed with rust and weird plants creeping over it.

Aaryan scoffs, as he finds a dark hard log of a random tree. With a thud, he opened the rusty lock, pushing the door open. With a loud creaking noise, the gates opened, giving the group a better access to the interior of the place. Coughing from the dust, they enter the hall, which looked oddly appealing to them. The walls were painted a light golden shade, and the windows were made in such a way that the sunlight would only be appearing through one side of them. An old antic clock was hung on the main wall, but as time went, it had stopped working.

They were proceeding towards the stairs, when they hear someone whistling. A low, dangerous eerie whistle that sent a chill down their spine. As the group turned their heads to the direction of the voice, a black masked figure appeared from the dark of the place. The person whistles, stepping forward into the light, making everyone's jaw drop.

The figure remained silent for a moment, their gaze piercing through the darkness with an intensity that sent chills down their spine. Then, with a slow, deliberate movement, they reached up and removed the mask, revealing a face that none of them had expected to see. It was a look-alike of Karan but the difference was, his were eyes gleaming with a mixture of mischief and malice as he surveyed the group before him. Karan's heart sank at the sight of him, his mind racing with questions and suspicions.

"What are you doing here?" Karan demanded, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.

The guys lips curled into a sinister smile as he took a step closer, his presence looming over them like a dark shadow. "Oh, just paying a visit to an old friend," he replied, his voice dripping with danger. "But it seems I've stumbled upon a little gathering."

Karan gulped, his jaw clenching in anger. "What the hell are you doing here Kabir-" The guy cut him off, chuckling darkly. "Kabir huh? Well good to know you remember my name atleast- oh oh oh by way, I don't think you must have told your little gang about me, hmm?" 
The others looked at Karan, it was clear they had no idea of what was going on. The guy, or Kabir, smirked as he continued, "Come on younger bro, tell them who I am, and what you did to me, don't be shy." But, since Karan was speechless, Kabir decided to start it himself. 

(TW!!! The passage ahead may contain triggering words related to past childhood trauma, murder etc.)

"Karan and I were inseparable twins, always happy and united, until that one day when I met him. It was like my whole world changed, and so did my attitude towards Karan. The cast chose him, instead of me. I had stood there, watching Karan bask in all the love and adoration that should've been mine. So, I did what I felt like. That night, after the audition, the resentment boiled within me as I watched Karan revel in his success. It was supposed to be our moment, our chance to shine together, but instead, I was left in the shadows while Karan took center stage. The bitterness consumed me, driving me to take drastic action. As Karan slept peacefully, unaware of the storm brewing within me, I made my move. With shaking hands and a heart filled with envy, I decided to end this little copy of mine, because only I was the one who should've got the love and affection. But unfortunately, everyone caught me, and again, Karan was rushed to hospital, and huh, me? I was beaten relentlessly, and I was thrown out of the house, the house where only I should've lived.

 But, honestly, Karan I hope you rot in the hell of the house where we were born. And, huh if you're by any chance thinking I've came here to blame my own trauma to myself and apologize to you, hell no. It was all your fault, you were a cheater. You made me feel like we were brothers, but now, oh how you make my blood boil. You, you're just a carbon copy of me, you're fake. You're just someone living my life, getting everything that only I deserve. And be aware, I won't take a moment to end this. And then, everything that is yours, will be finally with me. Because, I'm the twin who'll win this war, at **any** cost."

Saying this, he smirked, walking out of the place, leaving everyone speechless.




Well, I'm sorry if I didn't include alot of things in this chp, I wanted to focus this chp on Kabirs past mostly so ^^ Anywaysss yall I'll update the Spider-glitch series too, but just give this author sometime coz I'm packed with busy schedules. Till then, stay tuned~ 

With love,

Author isa♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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