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Authors Pov~                                                     

Great. The last thing that was supposed to happen today. Reyha facepalmed, groaning. "Ugh, hi."  The tall, muscular guy smirked in response. It was clearly evident that he was the typical spoiled kid who could get anything he wanted. "Well, well, you know you can't ignore a guy like me forever right?" His voice was dripping with ego and sarcasm. Reyha scoffed, one hand on waist.

"Listen here, Mr. Malhotra. I'm not here to waste my time on boring weird guys like you, so just speak whatever you want to." She says. Karan grins, and finally replies, "Oh well, we can perhaps discuss in my office? Since it's related to my official work-"
Reyha cuts him off, saying, "Oh yeah? Now listen to me. I'm not interested in any of your "official" or "unofficial" work okay? So yeah, have a great day, Mr. Malhotra, or should I say Mr. Rich spoiled brat?"
Reyha turns around, and she is about to leave when,
"I know you went to the restricted haveli with Aarohi. And I can very well report it to the professor." Karan says.
Reyha stops in her tracks, and slowly turns around.  

 "Excuse me? Tumhe lagta hai ki tum mujhe dhamka sakte ho?" She said, now getting annoyed. Karan shrugged. "Well, you can't deny that the place you went was restricted and you still went there." "Oh, is it? Well wherever I go, that's none of your bussiness." Reyha said. "Oh toh tum bhi sun lo, it may not have been my business, but now, since you're someone I know, it is my business too. Understood?" He said, taking a step closer. Reyha rolled her eyes.  Karan continued, "Aur wese bhi, uh....I need that place. So..." That was enough to catch Reyha off guard.

"YOU WHAT- WHY?"    "I'm shooting for my upcoming horror movie you know. And if you can help me by renting out the place, I can maybe give you free tickets to my first movie." He said, winking. Reyha gagged in response. "Oh no thanks, I'd rather watch a rat die." 

 "You're so inhuman to watch a rat die rather than save him-"    "DUDE IM NOT BEING SERIOUS" She facepalmed, and finally cleared her throat. "Listen here you spoiled brat, that place is no joke. It-it holds some confidential stuff. And you can't buy it. *She* won't let you shoot there." Reyha said, exaggerating the word "she". Karan frowned. His patience was at the last level, as he was not used to hearing no from anyone. 

Time skip~

After a whole argument, they both parted their ways, with a conclusion that Reyha would discuss it with Aarohi and tell Karan in a span of some days. Meanwhile, Smrita was not able to get rid of the tension that was triggered in her life when she had finally thought everything was settled. Everyday, she would get nightmares of that petrifying night her mother was murdered ruthlessly. She needed to do something quick before that monster does something to her family.

Smrita's pov~

I was wandering around in the balcony of my room. All the traumatising thoughts kept swirling in my head. It was getting unbearable when my phone rang.

 It was.....Divij? All my worry cleared, when I saw his name on the phone again. "Hello?" "Smrita....Hi..Me-me wapas aa raha hu.." My heart flipped with joy, he was finally coming back. A tear of joy fell from my eye, as I smiled. "Ofc, jaldi aana. We are all missing you terribly." I chuckled, wiping my cheek, as i heard his laugh in response from the other side of the phone. I cut the call, and went downstairs, to see what the girls were doing. 

Meanwhile,                                                                                                                      Divij's Pov~                                                   I smirked, after the call ended. Turning around, I saw Amar sir, my dad's old friend. No one knew we had partnered up, we had made a deal. I would be getting a share if his property and he would get the haveli in return.
Ans for that, I will have to go to meet my so so innocent wife. Huh.
"All going well Divij ji?" Amar sir said, chuckling evily. I cleared my throat, putting my hands in the pockets of my pants. "All good. I'm departing from here to go for our plan tomorrow morning." He showed a thumbs up sign in response. Oh I am so in anticipation to see how my innocent little wife will react after knowing everything~

The next day~

Aarohis Pov-
I was jumping around, I couldn't sit still for a moment after knowing dad is coming back after 5 years. Hell, I can't wait to meet himm!!
My phone dinged and I quickly open it to see who has messaged.

+91 ***********  bach ke raho beta. He's back. But who knows, your loved ones aren't what they look like~
Stay aware

Huh? What even does this mean? I'm still thinking about the message when the bell rings. HES HEREEEEEEE.
I quickly run downstairs and Oh finally
I see dad, but......

Why is he standing with some rent papers in hand?




Okay yall suspense  :^)

Hope you guys liked the chp and don't forget to vote and comment^^
Have a great day!
With love,
Author isa♡

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