Chp. 17

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Authors Pov~

"Well, all we can say right now is she is out of the danger zone, but she still needs alot of rest, as her brain has received a shock from the extra dose from the pills, and hence she needs time to recover." Dr. Malhotra said, as both of them sat on a bench. Smrita clutched her hand to her heart, gasping. It was hard for her to believe that the little happy girl had suffered so much in the past few weeks, and they did nothing about it. She snapped out of her thoughts, when Dr. Malhotra continued,
"And oh, I think I know your daughter. She studies in the same college as my son, his names Karan. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to contact us, alright?" She said, as she went through Aarohis reports.

Almost 30 minutes later, Aarohi woke up and they were allowed to go and check on her. Smrita and Amrita rushed into the room, to see her. A sob escaped Amritas lips, as she saw her little sister in the critical condition. Aarohi smiled weakly, as her mom hugged her softly, bombarding her with questions. The worry on their faces was evident, and they had to make sure Aarohi didn't feel depressed anymore.

At Mishras house-

Jay was a panicking mess, he was late for his meeting, but his thoughts kept trailing back to the day before. He coudln't get over the uneasy feeling in his chest, as he got ready. Infact, the whole Mishra and Roy family too, was tensed as much as Jay and others.



Authors Pov~

The day passed by, everyone was dull and tired the whole time, and finally, the next day, Aarohi was discharged. Amrita, Smrita, Drishti and Jay accompanied her to home, making sure she reached safely.

Meanwhile, it was also the time everyone had eagerly waited for. Reyha and Aarohis final paper and the graduation ceremony. But, was it really going to be that easy?



Aarohis Pov~
My eyes flutter open at the sound of the door opening. My insides hurt, as if someone punched me to death. I slowly sit up groggily, my vision slowly adjusting to the surroundings. The vision of me crying flashed infront of my eyes again, as I remember the traumatising day. I didn't even realise I was staring blankly at the wall, until someone clears their throat. It was Aaryan. I smiled weakly at him, signalling him to come sit beside me near the bed, as I was recommended to rest. He sat neat the edge of the bed, sighing softly. Man, I feel bad for bothering all of them for this. I bet he must be so done with me at this point.

A/N - (girl no that's the total opposite😭)

Aaryans Pov~
Damnit, my whole body feels shattered as I look at her fragile state. She looks so weak and...defeated. God, I wish it was me rather than her, I can't survive seeing her like this. I was looking at her softly, deciding what to speak, when I see a tear roll down her eyes. No no no no no- I shift closer to her, trying to comfort her. She sniffles softly, mumbling something like, "I really can't do it anymore." Oh boy, who's gonna tell her she's the strongest woman I've met after mom. I pull her into a soft embrace, putting her hair, as she kept mumbling things. It was really important to give her company, and well, I'd do anything to make her feel happy again.

Authors Pov~
It was an emotional moment, until Aarohi looked up, just to find all her other friends there. Reyha, Ishaan, Jay, Amrita and Drishti stood at the doorstep of her room, smiling as the saw their bestfriend, finally better than before. It hurt them inside to realise they couldn't help her at the worst moment, but right now, they'd give her the universe to see her smile. And it was a promise from them, to protect her at all cost, to keep her safe from everything that had ever hurt her. Each one of them hurried towards her bed, hugging her tightly. And who would've known, a small hug from them was everything for her.




Yall I'm so sorry for the late post but I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks so hope u guys understand..
Anyways hope yall like the chp and don't forget to vote and comment^^
With love,
Author isa♡

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