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Aarohis Pov~
Bad decisions are fun. We decided to bunk class and have pani puri ahaha.
It was almost afternoon now and so we decided to maybe go somewhere and have fun or maybe explore some places for the project.

We both got in a taxi and decided to go to some hilly place near our college.

We never thought we'd find a cool place until I saw something behind the hills. It looked almost like a palace. Damn. How'd I never know about this place...

Reyha's Pov~
We were near the hills, nothing really seemed good enough to explore until...
Aarohi saw something. But the thing was, why was she was something special. To her..

We got out of the taxi, and I was about to say something when I saw Aarohi. Her eyes twinkled, as she looked around. Strange.

We decided to walk further to get a better view of the place. 

Authors Pov~

Soon, they reached the big palace like building.
"Whoaa" Aarohi exclaimed, looking at it.
They were about to enter the place,  before....

Aarohi heard someone talking. Someone who sounded like.
Her mother.

"Why..are you back? Who l-let" She said. "Oh don't worry about that, I'm here to warn you that u better sell this haveli soon to me. Or else" A man, almost in the age of 60, said in anger.
"Or else what?"
"Nahi's your turn after your mother" He said, chuckling evily.

Aarohi felt a pang of anger and sadness suddenly. She couldn't hear anything more, and she kicked the door open. Just to see her mom. Sobbing. Smritas eyes widened seeing Aarohi standing there.
"M-mom? What are you..doing here?" Aarohi asked, standing still at the door.

The man walked forward, chuckling.
"Oh well well well. You must be her daughter? Beta you should explain to your mom that she should listen to elders right?" He said, walking close, slowly trailing a small pocket knife along Aarohis neck. "You must know what might happen...if she doesn't listen." His grip tightened, voice turning angry.

Aarohi stood still. She didn't move a single inch. They both didn't know what would happen until
Someone threw a large stone right at Amars eye.
"Ugh! U LITTLE-" He groaned, falling down.
It was Reyha, she was hiding behind the doorframe.
"That's what you get for messing with her, oldie." She laughed, smirking
"Come fast you guys. Hurry hurry." They soon left, leaving Amar unconscious.

Time skip to evening~

Amritas Pov~
I was coming back from home, driving when the phone ringed.
I glanced at the phone, and picked it up, driving with one hand.
"Hello? Aap kon?" I said, still paying attention towards the signal.
"It's Me, nakchadi." I put the brakes, and the tires came to a sudden stop, screeching loudly. My eyes widen in shock as I spoke again.
"Are ruko toh. Calm down. I haven't annoy you or anything." He spoke softly. I roll my eyes, groaning, annoyed.
"Listen, I'm already tired and I do not care tumne kyu phone kiya ho. I don't wanna talk to you. Bye"
"Suno toh-" I cut the call, sighing.
This guy gets on my nerves ugh


Jays Pov~
I groan in frustration. Why is it so hard to talk to her man.

Alrr guys that's all for this chp!
Hope u guys like the chp!
With love
Author isa♡

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