1 | In His Arms

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Hello to all, Welcome to SweetChilliSauxe's fifth story, and the second and final instalment in Sami and Jesse's story❤️. First, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support you showed for the first book, all the reads, votes, and lovely comments - they truly mean the world to me. I really hope that you'll enjoy the second one just as much you did the first!!❤️🥳

Now, the assumption is that you've read Summer Romance (Book One) before you read this one, and I must warn that this one will be a little bit more intense. A light warning before we delve deeper: there will be topics relating to mental health, violence and blood, and some sexual activity - if these make you feel uncomfortable, I apologise (and would advise that you proceed with caution). Additionally, I must add that the story (characters) may show signs of some confusion (one minute they're hot, and then the next - they're cold); this is done purposefully, with the intent to capture their emotional turmoil and how that messes with their character, and overall judgment.

I must also add, this story was written (and was supposed to come out) months ago, and I've been delaying the editing because I've been busy with my uni research paper. I apologise for keeping all of you waiting. So I'd suggest that you revisit Summer Romance just to remind yourselves of where we left off. And without further ado, let the rollercoaster ride of emotions begin.


The shrill cry of the dismissing bell rings throughout the school, a little sigh slipping past my lips as I try to recollect myself, drawing in a deep breath, trying not to let the tears spill as I rested on the closed toilet in the cubicle, my bag tightly clutched to my chest.

Funny how in just four months I moved from having a relatively normal teenage life, with a loving mom, amazing friends, and an equally amazing boyfriend. Obviously there were a couple of stressors here and there, but everything's been turned on its head. Leaving my tiniest sense of normalcy, comfort - in absolute shambles. The saddest part being - I still have my loving mom, my amazing friends and boyfriend, but I've been completely isolated...

I mean, I should've known better. I should've been smarter. I should've known that rubbing our relationship in Zoe's face was an idiotic move, one that'd result in this...

As soon as the schools had reopened, the stares and quiet whispers ensued. I paid it no mind, as small it made me feel - I just assumed I had something on my face, or some stupid rumour had been passed over the holidays. But when lunch rolled around, the stares had gotten more menacing, ridiculing, the cackles had gotten louder, and I knew that something was terribly wrong. But nothing, nothing, could've prepared me for what was to come.

At first I'd heard distant moans, making me think that someone might've been watching an adult film at school of all places. But as it continued playing, the sound getting louder and louder, my blood ran cold with realisation.A recording had been made, circulated to the entire school, of a moment that was supposed to remain just for my boyfriend and I, my worst nightmare had become a reality...my secret - exposed, and I'd been outed to the whole school. Just like that...

And the evolution took place in a mere three weeks. The snickers and whispers turned into shoves and nudges in the hallways. Menacing looks turned into trips and punches, and my life had officially been turned upside down. That was four months ago.

Which is why I've resorted to this, hiding away in the confines of the dirty bathroom stall, having ran out during the last period when I could no longer take the silent jabs that were sent my way, indicative of what those jackasses Zack and Jack were planning on doing to me as soon as school was out. They were the masterminds after all, second to the person behind the recording, Zoe.

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