24 | An Intense IOU

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The swooshing of passing snowboarders was enough to let me know that the clock had struck eight in the morning, and the track had been reopened for the day. But, this couldn't have been more insignificant. Instead, it put everything into perspective: I've had a smile etched on my face for the past hour and a half.

I'd yearned for days like this for the duration of my return home. Mornings where the first thing I'd feel would be my arms around Sami. His body - that always seemed to be warm, warming my own - that always seemed to be cold. Times where the first thing I'd see would be the deep brown of his eyes that hold captive so many of my happiest memories. But as of late, those very eyes had been exposed to absolute hell, seeing the worst that humanity could impose on another person. And inasmuch as I wanted to smile just a tad bit wider, rejoice that all was finally going well...I couldn't. Not when there's realisations that his breakdown yesterday marked the beginning of a very long journey of healing, that would take just as much from me, as it would for him. Believe me, I would know.

From everything I underwent trying to give my mother her strength back, I know just how much of a toll it takes on the other party. I had taken the role of healer without regard. To pick up the pieces that Jakob left behind. The bits and pieces of an empty vessel that was once my mother. Once so full of life, but was tormented into believing she deserved to be treated like scum.

As much as it took a toll on her to regain her strength, or whatever was left of it, the endless nights of distant cries, keeping me up all night. The cold days I spent at the police station...they were all just a bit much for a 16 year old. And now, I have to try help yet another victim of abuse. Hopefully, it'll prove to be more successful than in my mother's case...

But with a sigh, I choose to focus on something else.  Food, which never failed in pivoting my thoughts. I grab the tray of pancakes and fruit, making sure not to tip the bottle of golden syrup or spill the cup of steaming hot coffee on my way back to the bedroom.

Honestly, I don't understand how Sami can stand drinking this bitter concoction like his life depends on it.

I push the bedroom door open with my elbow, seeing that Sami is still in bed, the blankets rolled around him as if he were a burrito.

Soft snores leave his slightly parted mouth, his body rising and falling with every breath he draws and releases. And seeing him like this, cocooned and sandwiched in between the covers, the epitome of innocence, the same pain I felt all those years ago when I saw my mother in that hospital bed. Such a kind woman, abused by that monster. Now Sami, who wouldn't hurt a fly, bullied to no end that Zack and Jack's actions may leave him scarred forever.

"Jes?", he calls softly, his eyes still closed.

"Morning" I answer, taking one more step and placing the food on the bedside table. "I made you breakfast."

"Really?" he asks, peeling one eyes open to look at the food, a smile breaking onto his face: "Thank you."

"Any day."

"What's the special occasion?"

"Well...it is Christmas Eve" I say, sitting on the bed, "and you are my boyfriend."

"You're the best."

"Can you even see the food?"

"Are you mocking me?" he chuckles, extending his arm to grab his glasses before sliding them on.

"I would never" I smile. "I love you way too much to do that."

"I'm pissed that I can't say anything mean cause you made me breakfast" he shakes his head, "and also because I love you too."

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