22 | Loud Neighbours

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Every rational thought I could have had in this very moment had escaped me, disappearing into a never ending abyss. My emotions kicking in once again. Frustration. Anger. Sadness. All combined into this big blob of contradictory emotions, combustible elements woven together thoughtlessly, a true testament of the insanity that has become my life.

Despite the more than tense journey here, Jesse didn't seem to be angry at me, not even remotely pissed. Whilst we were still driving along the lifeless roads, hills and dips scattered on either side of the icy roads, he just kept humming along to whichever catchy pop song would play on the radio, completely oblivious to my brewing confusion.

Why isn't he mad?

Why didn't he scream at me and tell me I'm a bad boyfriend?

Yell profanities at me. Why doesn't he call me crazy?

Tell me that I'm hot and cold? Validate this thing that's driving me insane?

Instead, in true Jesse fashion, he kept his cool; and despite the awkwardness between us, he still has my bag and his draped over his broad shoulder. A distant look decorating his handsome face as he taps his finger on the counter impatiently, waiting on the receptionist to return.

He has changed so much from the summer. His hair has gotten a little longer, with a stubble running along the bottom of his chin and cheeks. His arms, even though they're hidden behind the navy puffer jacket, still showed that he had a significant amount of gains. His eyes, still shone with so much life, but I couldn't avoid the bags that lay underneath...

"Yes, I just confirmed with my manager" the receptionist starts, "you got the cabin. Sorry."

"Oh don't worry, how bad can they be?" Jesse chuckles.

"We've had to move two guests over the span of two days. They just couldn't take the noise" she laughs. "You know, the taller one of the two guys was like 'your cabins are way too cold, sex is the only way we can warm them up'" she says in a dramatic deep voice, making Jesse burst out laughing. "I assure you, the other guy almost melted with how hard he was blushing."

For the first time today, it seems as if Jesse's at ease...but something about that fact just unnerved me. Maybe I'm just being a hypersensitive prick. Maybe I'm looking too much into things. Or maybe I can see that this girl is trying to flirt with my boyfriend, in front of me, and he's going along with it!

Don't get me wrong, the girl looks like a very nice young lady. Too nice if you ask me. Her curly brunette hair compliments her round face so well. Her long lashes drawing attention to her big brown eyes. In short, she's a very beautiful lady. One that he'd leave you for...

"Can we go?" I ask impatiently, feeling like my brain couldn't take any more of this pining. I mean, how dare he entertain someone else, in my presence nonetheless.

"I'll make sure to call if our neighbours really are that loud" he adds with a wave, as I make my way out the exit, trudging down the snow-covered pathway. The anger had intensified, but now it was justified. If this is what he does in my presence, what does he do when I'm not there?

A gust of air blows, the bare trees rustling as we walk deeper and deeper into the property, momentarily diverting my attention to something either than my emotions. The weather had dropped wildly since December began. Just like my life, everything has gone cold since.

"It's Cabin 17" Jesse says from behind me, as the line of cabins comes to view, my mouth opening slightly in absolute awe. This place is bananas! From the wooden cabins, decorated with wreaths and Christmas lights, shining against the snowy backdrop made for a beautiful image. The uniformity of the cabins made it feel like we were in one of those small towns, where people go all out preparing for Christmas. I just wish we would've come here under better circumstances.

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