10 | Answers From The Grave

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I'm at peace.

Regardless of the uncomfortable position I find myself in, with my back flush against the hard headstone, my behind still on the snow-covered floor - my jeans now soaking wet, I still couldn't muster the courage to peel myself from the overwhelming sense of comfort I get from just being here. Staring up at the sky as night slowly bled over the entire town.

I scroll aimlessly through my phone, ignoring the endless messages from my mother, who came second to Jack's texts about a party he and his brother were throwing tonight, whilst insisting that 'he still has something of mine that he should give me', whatever that may be.

I then click on Sami's contact, saying a silent prayer, hoping that he's responded to the message that I sent him earlier. Or, to any of the messages I've sent him over the past week, but a soft sigh slips past my lips when I realise...it's all just wishful thinking now. But unlike any of the hundred times before, that I sat and hoped for a response and didn't receive one, I didn't feel any sadness. I wasn't overwhelmed with countless questions of wonder. No pain or anxiety over where our relationship stands. Just peace, at knowing that when all is said and done, things will fall into place, exactly where they belong, either it benefits me or ruins me...

The shrill cry of my cellphone redirects my attention for the moment, Beau McKenna's name written on the screen, reminding me of another person I've had trouble getting in touch with over the past few weeks: his brother, Colby.

"Hello" I answer curtly, trying to suppress the twinge of hope that ignited in me at receiving the unexpected call, some part of me hoping that this call would at least bring a little clarity to my situation with Sami.

"It's been a while bro" a deep voice answers back, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Where've you been? I've been trying to call you for weeks."

"I lost my phone at one of the closing parties," he explains, "but that's not why I'm calling you. What're we doing about this Jack and Zack situation?"

Confusion immediately befalls over me, does this have something to do with this 'thing of mine that Jack supposedly has?', because I really am not keen on meddling with the drama that those two bring, especially after an emotional day like the one I had: "What do you mean?" I settle on asking.

"Didn't your boyfriend tell you?"

Alongside my deepening confusion, fear also makes its presence felt because knowing who Sami is, his character, sensitivity, I could already conclude in my mind that being involved with those two dipshits spells nothing but disaster, and not for both involved parties: "What do you mean?"

A frustrated groan sounds from the line: "Come to my house, we'll tell you everything we know, won't we?" he asks frustratedly, clearly directing the question to whoever is in the room with him.

"I'll be there as soon as possible" I say in finality, hanging up the phone, picking myself off the ground and staring at the headstone, acknowledging that this may very well provide the answers I sought when I first came here, "thanks, dad" I smile, before adding: "If everything goes well, maybe I'll bring Sami with the next time I visit," and with that, I make my way down the snow covered pathway, back into my car, taking yet another step closer to figuring out just what the hell is going on.


The near three hour drive it takes me to drive up to Colby's house couldn't have felt any longer. What would normally be a two hour, two and quarter hours tops drive ended up extended due to the slippery roads, and the extra precaution one has to take when dealing with said conditions, but I've made it regardless.

I knock twice on the door, pacing a bit on the front porch to mimic my racing thoughts, but as soon as the front door opens, my actions come to a halt: "Come in man" Colby says, stepping aside to let me in. And without a second word, I rush into the house, anticipation threatening to cripple me.

I walk into the all too familiar family room, resulting in Beau's own pacing coming to a halt, as he stares at me with wide eyes, fear painted across his face. The seriousness in Colby's features just a few moments prior, Beau's unexplained terror, and Felix's permanent frown somehow told me that something was terribly wrong - regardless of the fact that no one had uttered a word, I could feel it in my bones that whatever this is about - wouldn't sit well with me.

"So who's gonna tell him?" Colby asks flatly, leaning on the wall by the family room entrance, staring at his brother and his best-friend, prompting them to put me out of my misery and just tell me what the hell is going on.

"Um...Je-Jesse, um..." Beau starts, looking at Felix for assistance.

"Gosh" Colby sighs, "Jack and Zack have been tormenting your boyfriend for the since you left and apparently it's all because of you" he says, pointing a finger at me.


"What Beau told me is that they've been suggesting to Samuel that you're just playing him...he's just a little fuck for you."

So this is why he hasn't been talking to me? This is why he's been ghosting by me? Did I not reassure him to the best of my ability that I truly want him? Why can't he see that I love him. "Why would Sami believe that?" I settle on asking. "I have to go see him..."

"No!" Beau interjects, the fear from before having multiplied tenfold.

"Why shouldn't I go see him? It's clear that he lied about being sick, I need to find the truth to all this. I'm so sick and tired of second guessing myself, and having to wake up with each and every passing day to question where our relationship stands. I need answers..."

"They beat him up" Beau adds softly, so softly that I'm certain I would've missed it had I not been paying attention. "I'm so sorry. We should've been there for him..." he sobs, plopping himself on the couch right next to Felix, who embraced him as soon as he did.

"B-but how?" I ask with a hiccup, my lip twitching with the added effort exerted in keeping my anger at bay.

"This started shortly after you left" Felix explains, "apparently your relationship with Sami was all exposed by Zoe, and that's when the whispers began. Sami's strong façade soon melted away when things took a violent turn, and he was clearly getting affected, but we tried to stand up for him. We really did" he breathes. "They keyed my car after I tried to speak up, and they even punched Beau in the face...from that point, Sami started to keep his distance, stating that staying away from us would guarantee our protection...but the last time he was attacked..." he shakes his head, "...they beat him up pretty badly. His mom had apparently called the school to let them know he had Covid, but he's been showing up to school like he's in perfect health, just beat up. We caught a glimpse of his face when we wrote our final exam and...he's not looking good."

"But why would he lie?"

"Saying that he's got Covid prevents many people from asking questions. Obviously you can't see him, his mom's not gonna question why he's always cocooned in his bedroom, it completely makes sense" Felix explains, but even those sensible words couldn't calm my racing heart. Oh my poor baby, I can't imagine what he been through. All alone.

"What're we gonna do about those two?" Colby asks, filling in the silence.

"I'm gonna kill them, yup, that's the solution. I'm trashing their party, and I'm gonna kill those fuckers" I answer, already on my way out the house, feeling like the longer I spent talking, the closer and closer I got to punching the first face I come across, taking out all my fury on the wrong person.

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