Part 2

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He Mei visits Min Ho's noodle shop with Kim-Bum .Auntie Qian talks up with them while they wait for Min Ho to show up. Kim-Bum plays with Jimin's frog toy.

When Min Ho and Jimin arrive, jimin immediately sees   Kim Bum playing with his toy. Jimin calls him out on playing with his  toy. When Kim But  tries to return it, jimin throws it to the ground, saying he doesn't want it anymore. Mi Ho gently lectures him for being impolite to a customer. He asks Kim But  if he can forgive Jimin, as hyung  kim Bum responds that he shouldn't have played with his toy in the first place and apologizes. Min Ho praises him for being so reasonable and rewards him by asking what he wants to eat. Kim Bum says "not spicy." Min Ho beams at how easy-going he is and pats him on the cheek. Jiminn gets jealous and tells his father not to touch him. Min Ho  pats jimin on his cheek, too.

Min Ho tells Jimin and kim Bum  to play together while he pack up some noodles for kim Bum and his mother, but Jimin says he wants to play outside. He lets jimin to go and skips off. Kim Bum watches jimin curiously.

 Jungkook was reading by himself on a swing. Jimin shows up with an ice pop in his hand and plops down on the swing next to him. He licks his ice pop and watches jungkook as he starts singing a song. Jungkook ignores him. But Jimin being Jimin goes over to him and offers him his ice pop. Jungkook closes his book and starts walking away without saying anything. Jimin follows persistently, asking if he wants to go see a neighbor's newborn kittens with him.

At night, Jimin watches TV while his father mends some clothes. They both jump at a sudden bang from above. Jimin sighs, wondering why they're always arguing. His father jokes that maybe they'll smash a hole through their ceiling one day.

Jungkook was seen  reading his comic book on the stairwell while Jimin spits watermelon seeds at his feet. He glares at him. Jimin  asks if he wants to eat some water melon while showing him but  jungkook gets up and leaves.

Hae In starts to head back home for lunch, then changes his mind and ducks into Min Ho's noodle shop instead. He sits down at a table with Auntie Qian and a second neighbor, who both gently admonish him about arguing so often with his wife. As a  Alpha mate, he should be the bigger person and give her more ground. He looks embarrassed that they've heard his fights with his wife.

The two old age omega's comment that it's nice that Jimin lives so close to Jungkook. They can hang out together; it'll be like jungkook  has a younger sibling . Hae In freezes at the mention of a younger sibling.

Min Ho is about to unlock his apartment door and go inside at night when he hears sounds of conflict from the Jeons family apartment upstairs. He looks up and notices Jungkook  sitting on the stairwell, reading his book. Min Ho invites Jungkook over  saying he can play with Jimin  and till then he  will make some good food for both to eat. But jungkook politely declines, saying that he's already eaten dinner. Min Ho doesn't push too hard, but tells Jungkook that his door is always open — all he has to do is knock.

Jungkook keeps reading, but when he smells the scent of cooking coming from the park family apartment, his stomach growls. He lied about dinner. He glances at the apartment door but doesn't go down.

He Mei looks around Min Ho's  living room, noticing the photos of Jimin on the wall, while Min Ho was preparing some fruit and iced tea, slightly embarrassed that the power is out and it's sweltering inside. He starts chattering about his noodle shop for lack of anything else to talk about, then apologizes for rambling.

He Mei admires his ability to support himself and admits that she can barely take care of herself. Min Ho hesitantly asks whether she has family nearby. She confides that her Alpha  father passed away when she was young and her  beta mother lives in the countryside. She only found out she was pregnant after she had already divorced her mate. If she'd known it would be this difficult to raise kin Bum as a single parent though, she probably would have chosen differently.

Min Ho half-jokes that she can give kim Bum to him. He'll raise him since he likes children. They hear sounds of arguing coming from the Jeon's upstairs, but then the power turns back on and the sound of the fan masks the sounds of conflict.

Jungkook is reading alone on a swing when some neighborhood kids, led by Zhu Peng, show up and make fun of Jungkook  They ask if his parents hit him, then taunt him, asking if he's mute Jungkook tries to leave, but Zhu Peng blocks his way and shoves him back.

Jimin  yells at Zhu Peng, calling him "Zhu Bajie" and comes running up while kin But also follows  close behind. Jimin tackles Zhu Peng headfirst and starts trying to bite his arm. One of Zhu Peng's lackeys tries to pull him off, but Kim But  jumps in to help. Jungkook also enters the fray and it turns into a schoolyard brawl.

Zhu Peng's mother angrily confronts Min Ho, showing him the bite mark on Zhu Peng's arm. Jimin and Kim Bum stand on either side of Min Ho  looking defiant and in much worse shape than Zhu Peng. Min Ho points out that both Jimin and Kim Bum  are injured, too. Children fight. Mama Zhu claims that Jimin started it, but Jimin responds that Zhu Peng was the one who bullied Jungkook first.

Min Ho speaks to Zhu Peng directly, pointing out that as a second grader and one of the older toddler in the neighborhood, it's his job to protect the younger pups. Zhu Peng nods dutifully. Mama Zhu looks embarrassed that her pup was the one who caused trouble. Min Ho tries to smooth things over by saying that it's natural for kids to fight. No harm was done. He benevolently tells Mama Zhu and Zhu Peng to drop by his noodle shop sometime as he sends them off. He'll offer them each a bowl of noodles, on the house.

He Mei tells the two kids to go wash their hands and get ready to eat. She tells Min Ho that this is the first time Kim Bum has fought with other kids. Min Ho apologizes for Jimon being a bad influence, but He Mei seems to find nothing wrong with it.

Jimin continues to glare at Kim Bum at the dining table. Min Ho scolds Jimin  for dragging kim Bum into trouble with him, but jimin petulantly says that kim Bum willingly participated. 

Kim Bum also supports him and  acknowledges that he chose to join in. He Mei and Min Ho exchange awkward smiles.  Min Ho punishes Jimin by moving the meat dish away from him. Seeing  that jimin just flares his button nose in angry while glaring at his Appa

A knock sounds at the door. Min Ho starts to get up, then turns back to Jimin with a stern look on his face, asking him if he bit anyone else today.

_________________________The End______________

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