Part 10

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Guang doesn't give up. He goes to MinHo's noodle shop and continues to pester him about Kim Bum's future, telling him that he doesn't have the means or the vision to push Kim Bum to bigger places. MinHo remains admirably calm, but it's only when Guang accuses him of raising Kim Bum just so he'll have someone alpha son to care for him when he's older that MinHo snaps back. Guang only wants him back so that there will be someone to light incense sticks for him (when he's dead).

Guang says that the difference between them is that Guang can leave him an inheritance. MinHo, on the other hand, is just wasting his time. Guang claims he's doing all of this for Kim Bum's benefit, which MinHo obviously doesn't believe. Then Guang thinks that MinHo is being obstinate because he thinks a million  is too little money. MinHo finally gets tired of Guang and pushes him out the door.

Guang makes a scene, yelling at MinHo from outside, which attracts the attention of Auntie Qian, who is walking by. She asks him who he is. When he says he's Kim Bum's father and that his last name is Guang, she starts cursing him out and tells MinHo to show him no mercy. She grabs a thermos of boiling water from the restaurant and threatens to dump it on Guang, who runs away.

At night, MinHo quietly checks in on Kim Bum, but he's busy studying, so he slips back out.


Ming Yue finds Jimin sketching alone in a coffee shop. Ming Yue is exhausted from all the homework he has to do between school and his extra prep classes. Jimin is alone because his brothers are busy studying for the college entrance exam. Ming Yue asks Jimin to come along on a task he's been assigned by Teacher Huang: Taehyung has been absent from class because of his acting, so Ming Yue is responsible for delivering the class materials to him. The two joke about how it's obvious why Taehyung was held back a grade with how often he misses school.

Taehyung makes Ming Yue and Jimin wait outside for a half hour under the hot sun. By the time he comes outside, Ming Yue is pissed off and snaps at him. Taehyung tries to make excuses, saying he was busy packing, doesn't like to leave things half-done, and doesn't want anyone to know where he lives. He asks for the notes, but Ming Yue doesn't want to give them to him anymore and stomps off, leaving him empty-handed.

Jimin follows, but not without throwing a few more taunts Taehyung's way, telling him that he should be careful not to be last in the world like he is at school.

After Ming Yue calms down, he worries about what he's going to say to Teacher Huang. Jimin reassures him that he'll be fine. Jimin  more impressed by Ming Yue's show of aggression.


When Jimin gets home, he's confused to find the noodle shop closed and the apartment empty even though it's still early. He calls Jungkook and finds out that everyone is at the hospital — a customer fell ill with food poisoning.

When they get home, Jimin demands to know what happened. Does someone have a vendetta against his father? They keep the kitchen spotless, yet the past few days, cockroaches and flies have been appearing in people's food, and now someone has food poisoning?

Jungkook reports that both customers have reported them and now the noodle shop is required to close for a week. Jimin is upset. Are they trying to kill this family?

MinHo tries to calm Jimin down, saying that this can be a good thing. They can take the opportunity to replace some things around the restaurant. He tells his children not to worry, but all three still look worried. Jungkook suggests they install a camera inside the restaurant.

MinHo goes into the kitchen to whip up a quick dinner for the family. Jimin tries to follow, but Kim Bum and Jungkook stop him, holding a finger up to their lips. They tell MinHo that they're heading out to the corner shop. MinHo waits until they're gone before letting himself cry.

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