Part 4

51 12 1

Autumn, 2009

Its been 10years since The five of them started living together like a family........

Min Ho cooks breakfast for three. He starts setting the table and calls for Jimin to get up and get ready.  As It's his first day of High school.

Jimin stumbles out of his bedroom, still half-asleep, and goes straight to the bathroom. Kim Bum returns home with a bag full of pan cakes and pastries that Jimin likes to eat. Min Ho tells him to call Jungkook down for breakfast. Kim Bum grabs a pole and knocks it against the ceiling.

He tries the bathroom, but Jimin is  still inside.  So he grabs a spare key and heads upstairs to let himself into Jungkook's apartment, where he ducks into the bathroom.

Jungkook is annoyed with Kim Bum for always coming upstairs to use the bathroom when he's brushing his teeth. Kim Bum says he won't do it again, but it's clear that this is just a recurring pattern. Jungkook takes the toilet paper with him as he leaves. Kim Bum is prepared and has brought some of his own, but Jungkook is also prepared and hops in quickly to steal it from his hand.


Jungkook and Kim Bum fight over the same piece of food as they eat, despite the fact that there's more than enough for everyone. They're back on their best behavior when Min Ho joins the table. Min Ho reminds them that today is Jimin's first day of high school. As seniors, they'll need to look after him.

Kim Bum reassures Min Ho that he'll take good care of Jimin. Jungkook says that he'll take good care of them both. Kim Bum glares at him. Jungkook smirks, then moves to pick up another piece of food. Kim Bum calls out to Jimin, saying that Jungkook is trying to steal his food.

Jimin rips open the bathroom door and marches out, then puts one leg on his chair and  glares at Jungkook.

Jungkook, Kim Bum, and Min Ho look at Jimin's outfit with skepticism. He's in all black with a skull print on his shirt. Min Ho asks if that's what he plans on wearing to school.

Jimin proclaims that  he knows his grades are one of the worst in the class. The best he can do is tough  impression from the start so people know he won't be easily bullied. Jimin also ties a bandanna around his head, labeling  as not easy to bully, but Jungkook points out that it's upside down.

Jimin rolls  his eyes at him . Kim Bum reassures him that if anyone dares bully him, he should tell him and they'll go take care of them together. They're about to shake their hands on it when Jungkook smacks Kim Bum on the back of his head, reminding him what Min Ho just said earlier about not causing trouble. Min Ho makes Jimin change into his school uniform.

Jimin skips happily between the two of them as they head to school. They run into Auntie Qian along the way. Auntie Qian is with Zhu Peng's grandma, Granny Zhang, who is visiting. The three teens greet her politely, but then Granny Zhang asks if they ever miss their omega parent. Their smiles drop. Jungkook is the first to walk away without a word. Jimin and Kim Bum soon follow. 


A woman Beta drops by the noodle shop to visit Min Ho. Min Ho invites her inside. The mahjong-playing Alpah's betas and some omegas who were around 50 years gossip outside about her. Apparently, she's Kim Bum's aunt, but even she doesn't know where Kim Bum's Mom  went. He Mei disappeared after her mother death, leaving Kim Bum with Min Ho and never returning the money she borrowed.

Kim Bum's aunt asks if she can see Kim Bum and Jimin, not remembering that it's the first day of high  school.  She admits that she and her family don't know what they did to deserve the friendship of someone like Min Ho. If Kim Bum had stayed in the countryside with them, he would likely never go to college.


Hae In shows up at Min Ho's apartment, having followed his nose and smelled dinner. He slips this month's living expenses in Min Ho's pocket. The kids arrive home shortly afterward. Kim Bum helps set the table, watching curiously as Jungkook slips in and out of Jimin's room. When Kim Bum asks Jungkook about it, Jungkook responds evasively.

The five of them sit down at dinner and Hae In beams at how wonderful they are as a family. Initially, when he and Min Ho decided that they would raise the three kids together, the whole neighborhood had shaken their heads, saying they couldn't do it without Partner in the family, but look at them now!

Jimin clears his  throat and says he has something to announce. He stands up, and with a broad smile, announces that he got his first Heat  today.

(Though this story is in ABO , but consider them as normal Human who are just classified into different groups , they don't change into wolf , Heats are just like stomach ache and release of some fluids NOT like other stories were they have to be Intimate)

All stare at him awkwardly. Jimin asks why they're staring; aren't they going to congratulate him? Hae In and Min Ho clear their throats and awkwardly mumble their congratulations.

Min Ho tries to change the conversation to be about dinner, but Jimin insists on talking about Heat .When he was in middle school, some of his omega classmates got their Heat but he didn't. He always thought that maybe there was something wrong with him, that he had inherited something from his omega father.

(when they become 13 or 14 years their sub gender can be revealed by the doctor , when it got to know that he would be an Omega he was sad because he wanted to be an Alpha just like Jungkook and Kim-Bum who's sub gender revealed one and half year back. But later Min Ho Convinced that he should be happy as he will be replica of his omega father  )

Min Ho reassures her that he's perfectly healthy and didn't inherit anything. he should have asked if he had a problem. But Jimin responds simply that they're all Alphas — what would they know? But he asks them why his stomach doesn't hurt. All his omega friends said that their stomachs hurt when they got their Heats.

Kim Bum tries to change the subject by bringing up that Jungkook was in Jimin's room. Maybe he left her a present?

Jimin scurries into her room and then comes back out with... kit which contains heat medicines to be used !

Everyone makes excuses to leave the table, leaving Min Ho and Jimin alone. Min Ho tells Jimin that in the future, he shouldn't talk about things like this outside. Jimin responds that he doesn't talk about these things outside — he only talks about it at home.

Min Ho awkwardly consults Auntie Qian for help as she was an omega . Auntie Qian starts going off on a tangent about how he should've let her introduce him to a nice omega who would be able to help with all of this stuff. She lectures him about letting Jimin run around wild with two Alphas.

___________________The End__________________

so yah it's out that

 Jungkook and Kim Bum are Alpha's

Jimin - Omega

Jimin - Omega

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