Part 11

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Jungkook waits silently at the hospital with his father and uncle. There's nothing they can do but sit and wait. He gets a call from his mother, who keeps crying on the phone. He updates her on what's happening and tells her not to cry. They can figure things out once she gets here.

The next morning, they're still waiting. Jungkook's cousin comes out of the ICU after visiting their grandmother and asks where Jungkook's mother is. She thinks that Grandma Chen can't hang on much longer.

Jungkook gets a call from Mei Yang, who is crying. Her uncle takes the phone and tells Jungkook that his mother and stepfather got into an accident on the way to the airport. They're currently in the hospital and it's not looking good.

Almost at the same time, Jungkook's aunt stumbles out of the ICU, grief-stricken. It looks like it's the end for Grandma Chen. Jungkook stares, frozen, as the rest of his family rushes into the ICU.


Kim-Bum notices that MinHo's eye is swollen. MinHo has been experiencing a lot of inflammation lately. Kim-Bum tells him to take care of himself, otherwise he'll be worried about his father when he goes off to college.

MinHo gets a call from HaeIn, telling him the news.

Jimin, Kim-Bum, and MinHo wait up late for Jungkook to return home. The kids are just about to go to bed — there's still school the next day — when HaeIn gets home. Jungkook isn't with him; he went to the countryside with his relatives.

HaeIn updates them on Mina's situation. Her husband died at the scene of the accident. She was in critical condition, and is still in the hospital now. HaeIn plans on going with Jungkook and his uncle to go get visas so they can visit Mina. Jungkook also needs to help out with Grandma Chen's funeral Arrangements.

MinHo is worried that Jungkook won't be able to handle all of this. HaeIn says he must. Even if he can't, he has to.

MinHo gets a visit from Auntie Qian and another neighborhood auntie with some tea and other gifts. They sigh over how much tragedy Jungkook has experienced in his young life. Auntie Qian says that a mother is still a mother; Mina may not have had much to do with Jungkook growing up, but when something happened to her, he still went to go see her. She says it'll be the same for Kim-Bum.

Kim-Bum plays ball with Bei. Afterward, he asks him whether his college plans are lining up. Bei asks Kim-Bum the same thing, but Kim-Bum says he doesn't know — he hasn't talked to Jungkook about it yet, but it seems like a given that they would go to college in the same city. Kim-Bum suddenly pitches Bei the idea of studying abroad for a year. What does he think? Bei says he would 100% support him.

Bei says that if it were him, he would go and tells Kim-Bum to strongly consider it. He should think of it as saving his own father money, since Guanis so eager to sponsor him. Bei passes on a word of advice from his own father: it's not worth getting hung up over money in life.

But Kim-Bum feels like life has been especially ominous lately. Whenever he thinks something bad might happen, it does.

Jungkook and his uncle go to Singapore, where they give condolences to his step-grandmother. She has to go back to Malaysia to care for Jungkook's Grandfather and plans on taking Mei Yang with her. But Mei Yang throws herself at Jungkook with a hug, saying she doesn't want to go to Malaysia. She wants to be with her brother and wait for her mother to wake up. Her uncle and Grandmother try to convince her to go with them, but then Jungkook picks her up, saying she can stay here in Singapore with him. She should be the first person their mother sees when she wakes up.


Jimin is dejected, having not seen Jungkook for over ten days. He isn't picking up his calls either. He hops down the stairs, distracted.

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