Part 15

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Jimin tries to flee before the dentist appointment, but Ming Yue wrestles him into the room. A familiar voice tells him to lie down in the chair, but he doesn't seem to recognize it.

Jimin fidgets and whimpers from the pain as the dentist pokes around the mouth. Dentist tells him to stare into the light and pretend it's the rabbit hole that Alice fell into, a portal to another world. The rest of the appointment goes without incident.

The moment Jimin is allowed to sit up, he tries to run away, but freezes when the dentist calls his name. "You don't even recognize my voice anymore?" Jungkook asks as he removes his mask and smiles at him.



They move to his office, where Jungkook brings Jimin an ice pack. He holds it up to his cheek, but jimin takes it from him. They sit in silence for a bit, Jungkook looking at Jimin while he looks around. Jungkook takes Jimin's hand in his, then comments on how he's grown up but is still afraid of getting tooth pulled. The motion reminds jimin of when Jungkook took him to the dentist all those years ago. He pulls his hand out of the hold.

Jungkook tells him that he's gotten prettier. jimin self-deprecatingly says that he isn't that pretty — he still gets carded at bars for looking like a kid. But Jungkook says that to him, he is the prettiest. Jimin awkwardly accepts the compliment and does his  best to avoid making eye contact, all too aware that he's still staring at him.

Jimin tells Jungkook that he can leave him alone and attend to his other patients, but he says he doesn't have any yet. To avoid the awkward situation jimin then pretends to notice the time and fabricates an excuse to get back to the office. Jungkook tries to ask him out to lunch, but he says he can't eat much anyway because of his mouth and scurries out, saying that he should text him.

Kim-Bum visits Jungkook at the oral hospital. When Kim-Bum asks if Jimin texted him last night, Jungkook invites him into his office. Kim-Bum doesn't like that Jimin didn't text either of them after they suddenly showed up yesterday. Jimin doesn't seem happy, either. But Jungkook asks what he expected: for Jimin to act like the kid they used to know?

He asks Kim-Bum what surprise he has planned for MinHo. Does he really have a surprise, or is he just too afraid to go back home? Kim-Bum says he has nothing to be afraid of. He's just trying to start a business. Jungkook asks if he got money from his father. Kim-Bum snaps that Guang isn't his father. MinHo is. Now that he's back, he doesn't plan on leaving. He's going to be filial to MinHo and take care of Jimin.

Jungkook asks how Kim-Bum plans on taking care of Jimin. Kim-Bum responds that he'll do what he's always done. He'll be his brother. But Jungkook points out that neither of them are really his brothers. He's just a neighbor; Kim-Bum is just a kid sent to live with them. It was okay for the first two years, but later, they started talking less and less and eventually couldn't say much to one another anymore. They couldn't really do anything for the family either.

Kim-Bum asks Jungkook to form an alliance. He thinks Jungkook must have a plan to win Jimin back and he wants in. But Jungkook says that relationships are managed with time, not plans. Kim-Bum says that he must have a plan if he's talking about managing relationships. Jungkook just sighs and says he has to get back to work.

Kim-Bum takes this as Jungkook not wanting to form an alliance. He says that's fine, too, but that Jungkook shouldn't come crying to him later. Jungkook just puts a hand on Kim-Bum's shoulder and tells him to go home sooner rather than later. MinHo misses him.

Kim-Bum gets a phone call and hurries out.

Ming Yue goes across the hall to meet up with someone, whom he's helping deep clean the apartment. But when he enters, he's appalled to see moving boxes, a half-unpacked suitcase, and clothes strewn about. She explores the apartment to investigate, right as Kim-Bum opens the door to the bathroom, topless and in a towel after showering at his new apartment. They both yell at each other without getting a good look at each other's faces and turn away, then each demand why the other is in the apartment.

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