Part 7

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Jimin, Jungkook, and Kim Bum hang out outside at night, eating fried duck and waiting to see shooting stars. Jimin falls asleep. Kim Bum asks Jungkook if he asked his mom why she abandoned him. Isn't he curious?

Jungkook says he's not curious. He knows why his mother left. She wasn't abandoning him — she was abandoning everything.

"So we're just things now?" Kim Bum asks. Jungkook says that if his mother wants him back, she'll come get him. Kim Bum is disgruntled that she can throw him away when she wants and take him back when she wants. Who does she think she is? "Your mother," Jungkook says pointedly.

Kim Bum asks Jungkook how he feels about seeing his mother again. Jungkook says he doesn't feel anything; it's all just noise to him. But knowing that she seems to be doing pretty well has lifted a great weight from his chest. He turns to Kim Bum: is he asking because he's trying to be ready for if his mother suddenly comes back?

Kim Bum says that if his mother came back, the first thing he'd do is demand his appa's money back. Then he'd kick her out.

They look up at the sky and Kim Bum excitedly points out a shooting star. He and Jungkook turn to Jimin and wake him up. Kim Bum closes his eyes and makes a wish. Jungkook teases him. Jimin waves his arms at the star, saying hi to his omega father and shouting, "I'm here!"

Mei Yang kicks and screams as Mina drags her to the noodle shop. Mei Yang calls her mother a liar — her mother told her that Jungkook would be happy to see her, but he completely ignored her. She wants to go back to Singapore.

But Mina manages to get her daughter to the noodle shop, where it thunderstorms outside while Jungkook and Mei Yang silently do their homework at the same table. Mei Yang doesn't do her homework and keeps glancing at Jungkook. He offers to help her with her math homework, and Mina smiles to see them bonding.

Jungkook suddenly notices a birthmark on Mei Yang's neck and his eyes widen. His mother notices him looking and says that she was surprised, too, when she saw that the birthmark was in the same exact place.

Mina says that it was thundering that day, too, when Jungkook yelled for help but no one heard. She frequently had nightmares involving thunder and not being able to return home, but after Mei Yang was born, they stopped. Jungkook tenses at the mention of his mother's dreams, but then mutters that she's just superstitious.

Jimin spies on Jungkook doing homework with his younger sister, taking out his anger on some poor vegetables. Kim Bum drags him away before he can get himself into trouble.


Ming Yue finds Jimin sitting by the track, tying his own shoes together during gym class. He guesses that Jimin is upset over Mina's appearance and points out that Jimin is always the one who said that having a mother is better than not having one. Jimin admits that it's true in principle, but in practice... what if Kim Bum's mother also suddenly appears with a younger sibling of his? The thought horrified him...

On the topic of Kim Bum, Ming Yue tries to casually ask what Kim Bum likes. His birthday is coming up soon and he wants to buy him a present. Jimin almost forgot it was his birthday.

Jimin and Jungkook buy Kim Bum some headphones as a present. On their way out of the mall, Jungkook sees that Jimin seems more subdued than normal and puts his arm around him to try and cheer him up. He teases him about being jealous of Mei Yang. Jimin acts like he isn't jealous, saying he still has Kim Bum as a Hyung, and skips off.

Kim Bum busies himself cooking in the kitchen on his own birthday, trying to avoid talking to his aunt, HeLan. But both Jungkook and Min Ho make Kim Bum go talk to her, since she made the trip into the city to be here for him. He brings some fruit into Jimin's bedroom, where his aunt is watching Jimin carve some wood. He treats Jimin like he's the child of a rich family, and is taken aback when Kim Bum speaks to him casually.

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