Part 6

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Ming Yue's mother enrolls him in extra weekend math classes and tells him to be better friends with Juan, the top student in the class, instead of people like Park Jimin. Ming Yue frowns, not happy with losing his weekends and his mother's attempts at controlling his friendship. He perks up when his alpha mother mentions buying him a digital camera as a present, but then frowns again when his mother adds a condition: he has to beat Juan on the next exam. His mother is tired of him always being second-best.

Before dropping him off, Ming Yue's mother asks what he wants to eat for dinner. Ming Yue claims that he's going to go study with Juan at a coffee shop after school and then eat hotpot together. Ming Yue's mother asks if he has enough money, then gives him an money.

Ming Yue and Jimin cheer on Kim Bum at his basketball game. Or more accurately, Ming Yue cheers while Jimin sketches and giggles to Ming Yue about how Kim Bum's best friend and teammate, Bei, looks like a gorilla.

Jungkook is handing out graded papers when a classmate tells him that someone is looking for him. It's his mother.


They go to a restaurant, where Mina tells Jungkook about her new life and his new half-sister. She asks if Min Ho is treating him well and wants to make sure that he's spending the money that Hae In gives him on Jungkook. Jungkook is upset that his mother is trying to get involved now and implying that Min Ho has malicious intentions. He tells her that Papa Park treats him like his own son and he treats him like his own father. When Papa Park gets old, Jungkook plans on taking care of him like he would his own father. He's not sure why his mother is now pretending to care — didn't she give him away to Jimin when she left?

Kim Bum and Jimin watch them from outside the restaurant. Kim Bum wonders why Jungkook is still in there talking to her, and tells Jimin to go rescue him, but Jimin just watches with a sad expression. No matter what she's done in the past, Jungkook's mother is still his mother. Kim Bum thinks otherwise — she never bothered to call or show she cared before.

Jimin asks Kim Bum if he ever tried looking for his own mother. Kim Bum suddenly gets upset, accusing Jimin of treating him like trash (the implication being that he's treating him like he's not his Hyung.) Kim Bum goes back to class, leaving Jimin to wait for Jungkook on his own.

Instead of heading back to campus, Kim Bum finds an empty side street and cries while looking at compact with a photo of his mother. He remembers how she left him behind with relatives in the countryside with a promise that she would come back for him after finding a job .

Mina asks Jungkook for forgiveness. He spots Jimin squatting on the ground outside, looking lonesome, and makes an excuse to leave. His mother tears up and watches as he takes Jimin by the wrist and leaves.

Jimin clings to Jungkook's arm, refusing to let go even when he tries to shake him off. He asks Jimin not to let the dads know about his meeting with his mother. Some teachers spot them and they start running away.


Hae In meets up with Mina at a fancy teahouse. He apologizes for being late; she jokes that an hour is nothing — she was used to waiting much longer for him when they were married. Hae In hands Mina some documents to help her daughter secure a temporary place at a school in the country. He asks why they're bringing their daughter over if it's only for six months. Mina says her mate believes that children should accommodate their parents, not the other way around.

Hae In is about to leave when Mina mentions that she went to see Jungkook. Hae In is done faking pleasantries at that news. Mina claims that she wants her daughter to get to know her older brother, and that her relatives have been telling her that she should care more about Jungkook. To Hai In , that's too little too late. Did she even think about whether Jungkook wanted to see her? They start arguing loudly in the restaurant, Hae In reminding Mina of how she traumatized Jungkook, and Mina criticizing Hae In for not accepting responsibility for his son. Hae In finally storms out after asking Mina to let go of them.

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